Yale Law School Application Timeline

Submit your applications online through the Yale Student Scholarship Database (CommunityForce). In this section, we`ll discuss how to write each of the essays in the Yale Law School app and show you examples of full essays. Rebecca takes a chronological approach loosely organized around the timeline of the Flint water crisis. She uses Flint`s story as her backbone, seamlessly interweaving information about her academic interests, geographic and socio-economic context, and political awakening. While chronological order is by no means necessary to write a good essay, it works well here because it anchors the personal information that naturally leads to Rebecca`s explanation of why she would benefit from an education at Yale. In this guide, you`ll learn everything you need to know to approach your Yale Law School application, including statistics, a discussion of standardized testing, an overview of all components of the app, and examples of comprehensive personal essays. LSAC requires at least one LSAT writing sample, created at the time of the LSAT exam or through LSAT Writing, to generate your SAE report. Yale Law School requires only one LSAT writing sample. Candidates who complete the LSAT more than once do not have to submit multiple writing samples. LSAC can take up to three weeks to process and report your LSAT letter. Therefore, you must complete your LSAT letter no later than January 25, 2022 to ensure that we receive it from Yale Law School before the application deadline.

In recent years, the Liman Center has awarded a small number of residency fellowships to graduates of Yale Law School and occasionally other law schools. You will receive a notification from us when we receive your application and again when your application is complete. If you have not received notice by January 15, 2023, please contact us. We usually make approval decisions in mid-March. If you`re looking for 1L summer opportunities, some employers seem to have an application process before December 1st. What for? If you are applying to law school, we recommend that you first write a personal statement, which you can then adapt to each school you are applying to. While Yale Law School`s small size—about 200 in each entry class—requires a selective admissions process, we are committed to a holistic review of every application we receive. Overall, the Faculty of Law seeks the most promising students in terms of professional and academic distinction. We strive to admit students who can both perform very well academically and make a significant contribution to the law school community.

Yale Law School does not require a Dean`s Office Form as part of the initial application. If an offer of admission is made to you and you accept that offer, you must submit a Dean`s Certificate Form for each college or university degree program in which you are or have been enrolled, whether or not a diploma has been awarded. The Dean`s Certification Form and full advice will be included in the documents sent to admitted students. If you are applying for the GRE General Test, we must receive your GRE scores from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) by the application deadline of 15 February 2022. Since it can take up to 15 calendar days for ETS to submit your results once the audit is complete, you must take the ERM no later than February 1, 2022. Applicants who have completed the GRE can log into their ETS accounts and select Yale Law School as the recipient of GRE scores with school code 4542. Applicants must have strong evidence of academic achievement. In addition, some professional or legal experience in teaching is encouraged after obtaining the first professional qualification. Admission is generally not available for students seeking an LL.M.

or have obtained or are pursuing an equivalent degree from another law school in the United States. All offers of admission are subject to satisfactory compliance with the Dean`s certification requirement. Any discrepancy between a candidate`s answers to the questions in the Nature and Eligibility section of the application and the information contained in the Dean`s attestation forms will be considered sufficient grounds for withdrawing an offer of admission.