A Word from the WORD

Where Does Hope Come From?

by Alvin Garcia

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. “I am the light of the world,” he said. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.” John 8:12 (GNB)

Have you ever been in a dark room and you turned your iPod or phone on? The light from your device was really bright and made the darkness go away. That’s a lot like how Jesus is in our dark world. He’s light. Where He is, darkness flees.

When we walk with Jesus, we don’t have to walk in darkness. He came to destroy the devil’s work. He came to set people free. With Jesus, we have freedom and a new life. The kind of life that Jesus brought us is a good life. It’s freedom and peace for us. It’s a life of freedom from the things that once held us back.

Jesus truly is the light of the world. He’s brought us light and life and when we put our trust in Him we can walk in that light in every area of our lives. So no matter what you’re facing, know that Jesus came to bring life and light to your situation. Choose to believe Him and walk in the light He provides.