What Is the Dictionary Definition of Imposition

The new subject peoples of Britain knew this too and rebelled against the imposition of colonial rule. If the Supreme Court overturns Rostker, they will certainly fight against any imposition of compulsory registration or service on women. Taxation comes from the old French word of the 14th century with the same spelling, which means “the collection of taxes, a tax, a tax”. Taxes are a great way to remember the importance of taxing. You never want to pay taxes, but you have no choice but to pay. It can be the same for other types of exhibitions: if something is an imposition, you don`t want to do it, but you probably will have to. That provision also had the effect of preventing the levying of the Community tax by means of rail tariffs. For this was the absurdity of taxation, and it claimed to have given rise to no less than eighteen of them. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia articles on taxation Therefore, they oppose the imposition of external and internal taxes by parliament. Why, an imposition on business owners to manage their factories as they see fit, socialist! At that very moment, Eric entered after being stopped by Mr. Gordon while closely inspecting the tax. “They could issue long-term bonds for modernization, and by doing that within 10 years of introducing the tax, they can keep the entire tax,” Cabrera said. Instead, the introduction of the tax by 2019 had led to a decline in the number of internet users, missed sales targets and social unrest.

A law of limitation of duration is a clear imposition of an additional qualification. “Imposition.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/imposition. Retrieved 11 October 2022. And the imposition of the curfew was so swift that some foreigners were surprised. Nglish: Translation of Taxation to Spanish Speakers Expecting employees to work longer for the same salary is a big tax. Later, when he buys a huge TV for his living room, she is offended by the taxation. The result was the introduction of the most draconian inspection regime in history. Mr Grenville, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has introduced various resolutions on the introduction of stamp duty in America. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “taxation”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Many called for stricter and more onerous regulations and taxes to be introduced and enforced.

Imposing means imposing something on someone else – usually an unwanted burden. If your friends invite you to dinner the day before your big test, it`s an imposition because you have to cook instead of studying. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English.