What Is the Definition of Incongruent

As we speak, I`m looking for things like quick or disorganized language, somewhat incongruous facial expressions, or even recurring ideas that might help me assess the function of their mind. At the end of each film, the melancholy of Beethoven`s Seventh Symphony in Kings deftly balances the tormented protagonist`s final triumph, and The Beatles` “Baby You`re a Rich Man” highlights the isolation of the main character`s ivory tower in the epilogue of Social; Both are as captivating as they are powerfully incongruous. The issue NorthStar has raised repeatedly is that there is a risk to shareholder value generated by companies that violate their own published business policies with incongruous choices. Middle English, from Latin incongruent-, incongruent, from in- + congruent-, congruent Ehrenberg`s description is – as often – quite incongruous with his figure. Use incongruent to describe something out of place or incompatible, like the orange house among all white people or a well-dressed little girl telling dirty jokes at the second-year talent show. In mathematics, two numbers are incongruous if their remains are different after being divided by the same number. The Latin roots of incongruent are in, or “not” and congruent, “appropriate or consenting.” These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “incongruous”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. That`s what you`re doing now, writing all of this, even the parts of your life that seem boring, incongruous, even humiliating.

“Incongruent.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/incongruent. Retrieved 9 December 2022. But in this context of this hotel, it was a bit incongruous for us that it was weapons. This was usually done through the use of brute force covered with a thin layer of incongruous ideology. They are “just a pause button,” Ladinsky says, to stop the further development of puberty, which is incompatible with a child`s gender identity. Isn`t it crazy and somehow incongruous that public service broadcasting is so stingy? In the smaller mirror room upstairs, a sometimes incongruous selection of pop is provided to the less tech-obsessed audience. Tell me; How many times does the chicken bus arrive in Huehetenago before the bus changes to Tapachula, stopping on Mars to pick up earwax people who have never heard anything that doesn`t fit their isolated view of the universe because they didn`t want to and no basis for comparison. There was the image that she could not begin; He floated in his brain, elusive and incongruous.

Perhaps, in a certain context, the word part is incongruous with this idea that there is only fullness. Something incongruous is wrong. If you see your teacher racing through the city in a red sports car and blowing music, it would not be in line with your image of her as very reserved and hardworking. It recognizes that propagation is a strategy of resilience, but that it does not have to be permanent or incompatible with the virtues of compact development. With her pretty Creole tact, she soon came to bring these seemingly incongruous elements into a certain degree of harmony. Memories of encounters with the social press have never been so incongruous. Political disclosure won`t hinder corporate discourse Improve your test scores with programs developed by Vocabulary.com experts. Scripting News of 21.06.2006 “Scripting News Appendix.