What Is Logical but Not Legal

We all hear hypocrites in the workplace. To get a clear answer, we have to fight hard. For example, when we hear people say, “It`s legal, but illogical,” or “illogical, but legal.” Three couples, one Jewish, one Irish and one Greek, all die on the same day and arrive at the gates of heaven. Peter asks the Jewish man why he deserves to be in heaven. He replied, “I have been a devout Jew all my life, I went to synagogue every Saturday and I collected a lot of money for Jewish purposes.” “And what is your wife`s name?” asks St. Peter. “Penny,” the man replies. “Penny?!! St. Peter shouts. “You Jews are all equal. Money, money, money.

They even married a woman whose name has to do with money! Out of my sight! You are condemned to hell! Professor: “Okay, it`s an agreement. So what`s the question? He pointed at a student and waited. Student: Sir, you are 65 years old, married to a 28-year-old woman, it is legal, but not logical. His wife is having an affair with a 23-year-old boy, which makes sense, but not legal. Your wife`s boyfriend didn`t pass his exam and yet you gave him an “A,” which is neither logical nor legal. The fact that you gave your wife`s lover an “A” when he should have failed is neither legal nor logical. Student: “What is legal, but not logical, logical, but not legal, logical or legal?” Then St. Peter asks the Irishman why he deserves to be in heaven. “I`ve been a devout Catholic all my life, going to church every Sunday and always giving generously for the collection plate.” “And what is your wife`s name?” asks St. Peter.

“Brandy,” the Irishman replies. “Brandy?!! You Irish are all the same. Drink, drink, drink. They even married a woman whose name is a type of alcohol. Out of my sight! You are condemned to hell! A young law student who failed his law exam goes to his inlaid old professor, known for his sharp legal mind. The teacher struggles all afternoon on the question, but still can`t get an answer. Finally, he calls a group of his brightest students and tells them he has a really, really difficult question to answer: “What is legal, but not logical, logical, but not legal, and neither logical nor legal?” To the surprise (and embarrassment) of the teacher, all students immediately raise their hands. He immediately replied: “Sir, you are 63 years old and you are married to a 35-year-old woman, which is legal but not logical. His wife has a 25-year-old lover, which is logical, but not legal. The fact that you gave your wife`s lover an “A” when he should have failed is neither legal nor logical. The professor breaks his famous brain, but simply cannot decipher the answer.

Eventually, he drops out and changes the student`s failed grade to “A” as agreed, and the student leaves very satisfied. A student at the University of Adult Jokes had failed his theses and was clearly not happy. With that, the Greek turns to his wife and says, “Fanny, I think we have a problem… “Very well,” says the professor, asking his favorite student for an answer. In vulgar British jargon, “fanny” is used for a woman`s genitals. The teacher thought about it for hours and didn`t think about an answer. He eventually had to give up because he really didn`t know. Student: “Great, so I want to ask you a question. If you can give me the right answer, I will accept my sign as it is and leave. However, if you don`t know the answer, I want you to give me an “A” for the exam. “. Student: Professor, do you think you know everything about law? After failing his exam in “Logistics and Organization”, a student leaves and confronts his teacher about it.

He gave the boy an “A.” The next day, at the conference, the professor was still struggling with this unknown secret and decided to ask his students. Even after careful consideration, the teacher cannot give the student an answer and therefore changes his exam grade to “A” as agreed. Student: “Sir, do you really understand anything on the subject?” This Sunday, a friend decided to share with me on WhatsApp: Student: If you can answer this question, I will agree with you and accept my final exams, if you can`t, you have to give me an “A”. He stopped in shock for a second as all the students raised their hands with a possible answer. After that, the teacher calls his best student and asks him the same question. He questioned the professor and decided to make a difficult deal with him. Teacher: Absolutely, otherwise I wouldn`t be able to stand in front of you and lecture you on the subject. Teacher: “Certainly, I have to.

Otherwise, I wouldn`t be a teacher! ».