Usyd Legal Research 1

A short-term core course that provides the necessary research knowledge, but don`t expect it to be fun or exciting for you or your tutors. This is a compulsory unit taught on a pass/fail basis. The objective of the unit is to introduce students to the research and citation of primary and secondary legal documents and to introduce them to legal research techniques. These are skills that are essential for law students and must be applied in other units. I loved this course! I had the author of the manual as my conductor and he was extremely engaging, motivating and clear. The course material is not delicate, but you should have a good understanding of the concepts of the final exam. If possible, I recommend taking this subject in the 1st semester and not in the 2nd semester. Has become very useful for the evaluation tasks of the foundation. Awesome tutor * Guaranteed results * 50% discount on the first 2-hour session * Preparation specialist for O. Do you need a friendly, reliable and professional tutor? Stressed by the upcoming exam. Although the subject is dry, it has taught me a lot of what I need to know in my articling and law subjects.