St Maarten Legal Drinking Age

No vaccination is required at the entrance to Saint-Martin/Saint-Martin. Tap water is safe to drink, but bottled water is recommended. Sunscreen with a high SPF is essential and is recommended for those who are not used to intense sunlight. Good sunglasses and a hat are highly recommended. Protect yourself from mosquitoes by using mosquito nets, wearing long clothing and using insect repellent. Visit for the latest COVID19 requirements, policies and updates. The legal drinking age in Sint Maarten is 18. A drink is 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, one and a half ounces of alcohol. Look for 100 pieces of alcohol and several drinks in shot. Heavier people can handle proportionately more. Women who lack an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol should drink less.

Restaurants – We have a section on restaurants, but as with beaches, it comes down to personal preference, and unlike beaches, prices matter, and even driving distances after drinking should play a role on SXM`s winding and dark roads. The restaurant section divides restaurants by area and cuisine, and there`s even a restaurant finder to help you find what you`re looking for. There are links to all the restaurants on the island that have a website. Alcohol Laws – Eighteen is the legal drinking age in St. Maarten. Alcohol is sold in grocery stores and restaurants. No vaccination is mandatory at the entrance of Saint-Martin / Saint-Martin. That`s how it worked until a doer got the job of animal import boss. You must now get their permission to bring your pet and be prepared to ask a veterinarian who will certify much more than the standard certificate requires.

After all this, you should go to a local veterinarian on the island within 24 hours of your arrival with all your documents and hand over the information with copies to the inspection service. Here is the animal import form I received from Take the right side of the road. It is forbidden to talk on the phone and drink while driving. The driver must always wear a seat belt. Hospitals – On the Dutch side, go to St. Maarten Medical Center, Welegen Road, Cay Hill (tel. 599/543-1111; On the French side, the local hospital Hôpital Louis-Constant Fleming is located near Marigot in Concordia (tel.

590/52-25-25). QUOTE Tobacco products:. A returning resident is eligible for the $800 exemption, which includes no more than 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars. The smoking exemption is available to all adults. With the exception of information and information materials, no traveler (whether traveling legally under a license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control or traveling illegally without a license from OFAC) may import Cuban products, including Cuban cigars. Although this last sentence is not strictly true, it is not too far from the truth. Currently, there is no law on the Dutch side prohibiting drunk driving, i.e. no legal limit for blood alcohol levels. There is a law against impaired driving for any reason.

The French side is part of the France and enforces its laws, which are stricter than those of the United States. The limit is 0.05 BAC compared to 0.08 in the United States. For a 150-pound man, one drink increases his blood alcohol level by 0.02. One hour reduces it by 0.02. St. Maarten Timeshare Association (SMTA) You must now get their permission to bring your pet and be prepared to ask a veterinarian who certifies much more than the standard certificate requires. After all this, within 24 hours of your arrival, you must go to a local veterinarian on the island with all your documents and hand over the information with copies to the inspection service. Here is the animal import form I received from Does anyone know the legal drinking age in Sint Maarten? I have a 20-year-old daughter who is upset that she can`t even enjoy a glass of wine on the ship (RCCL) because of the rule change.

I thought it would be nice to offer him a Foo Foo drink on the beach. Is ID required? We lean towards Orient Beach or Divi Resort Beach if it makes a difference. Thank you very much!! Alcohol consumption – The minimum drinking age on the Dutch side has recently been raised from 16 to 18, but it is poorly enforced. If you drive and are caught without alcohol, first-time offenders will receive a warning and a Heineken. CITE tobacco products:. A returning resident is eligible for the $800 exemption, which includes no more than 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars. Smoking exemption is available to all adults. With the exception of information and informational material, no traveler (whether traveling legally under license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control or traveling illegally without a license from OFAC) may import Cuban products, including Cuban cigars.