Service Civique Age Legal

Note: In addition to civic and civic training, other types of non-compulsory training may be provided by host organizations. You can perform community service if you have been living in France for more than 1 year, provided you have one of the following residence permits: The public service aims to engage youth to address social and environmental challenges©by providing them with an engagement framework in which they can learn, gain confidence and acquire skills©. Civil service is the meeting between a project of collective interest and a personal project of voluntary commitment. Messages sent to are subject to computer processing for the following purposes: It is possible to do community service while being a student or employee at the same time (but not in your host organization). However, since you`ll need to commit at least 24 hours a week, make sure the two are compatible. To search for civic engagement or pre-register, you must use the dedicated teleservice. Article L. 120-1 of the National Service Act, introduced by the Civil Service Act of 10 March 2010 The commitment to public service aims to mobilize young people to meet©the challenges©of society©©. During a community service, you will have a tutor who will be your main speaker in the host organization and the guarantor of the smooth running of your mission. He follows the evolution of your project, accompanies you in your reflection. If you encounter a problem during your community service or if your contract is not respected, it is your first point of contact. Of course, you can also contact the Civic Service Agency. Civil service has no influence on the conditions for granting a scholarship or on its amount.

The scholarship will not be taken into account in the calculation of the scholarship. Civil service is open without qualification requirements. Civil service is open to citizens of the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA): TitleContent and of the European Union: TitleContent. Supported by the State and supplemented©©by the organization that accepts the volunteer in the public service, each volunteer receives© an allowance of about 600 euros. Note: If you enter into a fixed-term contract of at least 6 months or an open-ended contract, you can terminate your public service contract without notice. In all other cases, you must give one month`s notice. This means that I put myself at the service of all and that I become an engine of social ties and open-mindedness in society. Therefore, my mission can only take place in structures whose purpose is not to make financial gain: associations, foundations, NGOs or cooperatives, international organizations, associations, administrations or public institutions. The organization may be in France or abroad and intervene in one of the ten areas of public service intervention. My mission must be direct support for the population, for the beneficiaries of the action of this organization, and not support for the functioning of the organization itself. National Service Code: Articles L120-4 to L120-6 The organization that welcomes you must be approved by the Civic Service Agency. These organizations may include: The Civic Service Agency, a public interest advocacy group, was established on May 12, 2010.

Today, the Civic Service Agency is a unique player in the service of youth engagement and mobility in Europe. The Civil Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the citizen service, a voluntary commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25 and young people with disabilities up to 30 years old, and, since 2016, the French version of the “Youth and Sport” strands of the European Erasmus+ programme and the European Solidarity Corps. After you register, the Public Service Agency will mail you your volunteer card. At the end of your mission, you will receive a public service certificate, which you must sign and have signed by the head of your host organization. A nominative report describing the activities carried out and assessing the skills acquired during your mission must also be prepared with you by the host organization. As a volunteer in the civil service, you have a special status. You must complement and not replace the actions of your host organization`s staff and volunteers. Your role can be, for example, to develop new projects at the service of the population, to multiply the impact of existing actions by reaching more beneficiaries, to improve the quality of services already provided by the employees and volunteers of the association. Non-renewable: A person may perform only one civilian service. Solidarity, culture, environment…, the associative service makes it possible to carry out a mission in an organization recognized by the State (public or private). You must be between 16 and 25 years old. They do not receive a salary, but an allowance.

Whether you are still a student during your civil service or wish to start or resume studies afterwards, you can have your civil service recognized by your institution. Indeed, a decree has been published that allows you to: civil service is open to young people of French nationality. Order of 13 September 2010 on the criteria for payment of the increase in the expenditure allowance for the civil service Civil service is open to all young disabled persons aged between 16 and 25 to 30, without requirement of diploma or experience©. Ensure the social diversity© of public service volunteers, both in terms of level of education, gender, age, social origin, cultural origin and places of life. Home Persons > Papers – Citizenship >Volunteering >Commitment to civil service You can perform your civil service while you are employed. If you respect your commitment to civilian service, you can engage in another activity, regardless of its duration. You cannot sign an internship contract at the same time as a public service contract with the same organization. If you want to do community service, you must first consult the offers of the Public Service Agency, which are grouped on the following themes: culture and leisure, international development and humanitarian action, education for all, environment, emergency aid in case of crisis, memory and citizenship, health, solidarity and sport. You will need to create your account with Teleservice. You can do community service if you meet the following 2 conditions: Online Civic Engagement Application The team thanks you for your helpful feedback on improving the site. You can interrupt your graduate studies to fulfill your civic engagement during your break. You can sign up for a community service if you are at least 16 years old.

Note: Civic engagement cannot be exercised in a religious association: titleContent, Policy, Community or corporate foundation. * Sources: Civic Service Agency – Activity Report 2020 You can fulfill your community service mission during your studies if you are able to balance your different schedules. The conclusion of a civil service contract cannot extend the validity of your residence permit. In 2020, the typical profile of the volunteer on international mission is more feminine and qualified than the average young person engaged in community service. Students who benefit from a community service contract may benefit from an exemption from affiliation to the student social security scheme. They must sign a civil service contract to determine the location and duration of the mission, the activities to be carried out and the modalities of tutoring. During the mission, a note can be signed to change the number of mission hours or activities entrusted to you. Except in exceptional cases, the public service contract cannot be extended. The contract must be signed in two original copies, one for the volunteer and the other for the host organisation.

Afua, a young Ghanaian, leads a citizen service at La Condition Publique in Roubaix. She is one of eleven African volunteers who have carried out community work in France as part of the Africa 2020 season. She tells us about her experiences in video and writing. Access to the Online Service ( Namely: If you terminate an employment contract in order to perform your civil service, this termination is considered a legal withdrawal. Your entitlement to unemployment insurance or RSA is at the end of your commitment.