Salesforce Data Use Legal Basis

This initial level determines who the person is and determines what they have accepted at the broadest level. This consent data is stored in the single object, where a person can be either a prospect, contact, user, personal account record, or any permutation of these types of objects (or none of them). The purpose of the individual object is to extract privacy data at the record level of prospect, contact, user, and person accounts, and in particular to capture the privacy “don`ts” for an individual, including: Active – The user can see the object record for consent creation only if this box is checked. For example, Marketing Cloud already provides privacy and data governance capabilities through a comprehensive framework for subscriber management and contact deletion, but independently of Sales Cloud. Extending the consent management object model to Marketing Cloud makes perfect sense. However, since Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud are actually two very different platforms with different data models, it takes a lot of effort to integrate the two platforms. But if anyone can understand how it works, Salesforce can. Each of these different levels uses associated consent management objects to manage and store consent-related data. These consent management objects have been developed with data protection in mind. The object model is closely based on the principles of Privacy by Design. Especially at the holistic level, it offers a proactive data model.

Instead of waiting for privacy risks to occur, it prevents them from occurring in the first place, through an organized and standardized set of objects that closely align with the properties of real-world entities. In addition, the data model provides an architectural model for companies to integrate data protection into the design and architecture of their IT systems and business processes, rather than being screwed after the fact. This makes data protection an integral part of the data model without compromising functionality. Warning Message – Displays relevant alerts for opt-out consents. PCL Audience – The user can select the type of audience to which the consent matrix is displayed. PCL Category – The user can select the category based on the type of audience. Note: Fill in “Standard” as the value of PCL Audience & PCL Category to create a data usage goal. While Salesforce`s approach to consent management is built on solid foundations, there is clearly more work to be done. Salesforce is not a single platform. Rather, it is a complete platform suite.

And while it makes sense to manage consent data in Sales Cloud, it`s also important to consider how consent management integrates and applies to other Salesforce platforms, including Commerce Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Pardot. Complying with current data protection regulations while maintaining the agility to adapt to new regulations is not an easy task. Salesforce has led consent management through an exceptionally well-thought-out canonical model that is both adaptable and maintains a high level of consistency, which is extremely important for privacy. Legal basis – When creating the dataset for data use, select the legal basis for the research data. “While Salesforce Consent Management objects provide a complete data model for managing a person`s consent, they are still just objects.” “. The data model provides an architectural model for organizations to integrate data protection into the design and architecture of their IT systems and business processes. Although Salesforce Consent Management objects provide a very rich and highly standardized data model, we can expect more objects to be added in the near future to complement this data model. You should be aware of Salesforce`s forward-looking statement, but in particular, a party role object allows you to determine the type of relationship an individual has. For example, a client against an employee or a patient against a doctor. In addition, you can also expect a new internal business unit object designed for organizations with multiple brands (for example, a retail group). This purpose links an individual`s consent to one or more specific brands within an organization.

“. We can expect more objects to be added in the near future to complete this data model. In addition, the individual object also offers individuals the opportunity to exercise their right to be forgotten via a “Forgetting this person” field and their right to access their personal data via an “Export person data” field. Name – The name of the legal basis, which may be consent, contractual necessity, legal obligation, vital interests, public interest or legitimate interest. And consent management in Salesforce goes beyond the object level. A consent event stream is currently in the pilot phase. This feature uses change data capture for all Consent Management objects so that external systems can subscribe to streaming events when changes are made to a Consent Management object. This event stream aggregates all object notifications into a single event stream and enables real-time sharing of consent data with external platforms so that organizations know when a consent event occurs and can trigger a process, such as deleting customer data, when an individual exercises their right to be forgotten. This next level determines through which channels the customer wants to be contacted. The Contact Point Type Consent object defines named channels (for example, phone or email) and an individual`s associated opt-in status for each corresponding channel.