Rebecca Watson Pure Legal

And now the Republican Party is jumping on Depp`s bandwagon and riding a new wave of pure misogyny, on top of the current wave of outright racism. Is this a train you want to be on? But if you`re controlling a microphone and you`re a speaker, you can`t play the game Watson played. It was a total tail pull, because she knew, *knew*, that Stef couldn`t really counter her argument. At best, Stef could have asked a one-minute question and hoped Watson wasn`t feeling fat yet. In addition to holding the entire public accountable, which I doubt would have happened. Even if they disagree, during a speech or a public Q&A session, fans won`t say that the person they`re fans of is wrong, that it`s rude or that it`s a tail move. TLDR; 1. No one is guilty – it`s a civil matter. Both were convicted of defamation. 2.

There is a higher standard for celebrities who prove defamation than for you and me. 3. Depp met this standard in all his points, Heard only in one. 4. If Heard could prove that Depp abused her ONCE, her case failed. His case did not fail. It is not material that the judge reduced the jury`s award of punitive damages to Depp from $2 million to only $350,000. The jury did not know – and was not informed and did not discover, even though it was not seized – that the maximum PA it could award was $350,000. They were kept in the dark so that they would not “top-up” the damage. The judge awarded Depp the absolute maximum punitive damages that are legal in Virginia. Again, yes.

This accusation of “anti-science” is pure nonsense when the most in-depth criticism of UCSB EP is published in peer-reviewed literature and academic press, but somehow it doesn`t count. I also don`t think he was trying to draw a persecution complex, I think he said it`s a problem to reject an argument based solely on race, gender, etc. And even those in the skeptical community fall victim to its use as a means of rejecting an argument. Or, to put it more precisely, the worst lawyers lost. I hope that Heard`s legal “team” will eventually leave the legal profession in disgrace. Report each of these blogs, commenters, email senders to their ISPs. By email, if you respond and ask them to stop contacting you, they are *legally obliged* to do so – if they contact you, they violate their ISP Terms of Service and the law. To reverse the situation, men should be smaller and weaker than women and men should be the ones who get pregnant. This happened in Ireland, where abortion is illegal in cases of rape. (Side note: Pro-Depp videos have been divided into three types: 1. pure changes to the court law, with no comment beyond the occasional text on the screen of words like “whut?” that claim to be the thoughts of those on the screen.

2. “Reaction” videos with men allegedly commenting live on the cover. 3. “Reaction” videos with women commenting in exactly the same way. It reminded me of a legal case on which I made a statement years ago. After one of my employees broke up with her longtime boyfriend, he created a website with intimate photos of her and lots of vile insults similar to the ones you receive. In the end, she lost her defamation lawsuit because the judge didn`t consider a website a public space (that was before Google). I am still stunned by this and wonder if the decision would have been the other way if the sexes had been reversed. Yes, that person was Amber Heard. Which means that their comment was NOT false, i.e. NOT DEFAMATORY; Therefore, Depp`s legal victory is a blatant miscarriage of justice, whether Heard also engaged in abusive behavior or not.

Obviously, Rebecca`s case was a much worse problem, as she, a strong and powerful Womyn, was so oppressed by the evil agent of the phallocentric patriarchy that even her innate connection to life, the earth, and the goddess couldn`t help her. ERV`s Abbie Smith was, as far as I know, the first to actively encourage people to replace intelligent discussion and inquiry with blind hatred and bile. Apparently, the name “Rebeccunt Twatson” originated from there – you know? Impressive! If you listen carefully enough, you can hear the ghost of Ambrose Bierce laughing and nodding in agreement. I understand what you are saying, that the use of these terms could indicate that someone is misogynistic and is likely to be frequently used by someone who is; Yes, I was in the cesspool that is the spearhead to see it with my own eyes. We leave the subject of my original article, but my point on this particular topic is (and if I read your answer correctly, you agree) that using these terms alone does not mean that you are sexist. It`s a bit ironic that you missed the point in the original email you quoted and went straight to the “misogynistic” attack!!! Proven. Would you have played the same card if he had said “moron” or “asshole” or “dick” instead of dropping the C-bomb? I totally agree with that. A person must be sold as a sex slave and raped daily for at least 5 years before they have the right to feel uncomfortable and fear rape in potentially dangerous situations.

How dare RW feel threatened in this case? She didn`t even need to buy a pit bull! Of course, you are fully aware of her entire sexual history and know that she has never been raped or even in a potential rape situation. After all. How many women have really been stalked or.. oh.. Right. Because I was for Heard. When Depp lost his case against The Sun, I thought, “Well, that`s it, guess he IS a female drummer.” There wasn`t much to believe that this could be true, and who is tired of seeing famous rich men get their comeuppance? Not me. That`s a lot of what`s wrong with science, when scientists use their social position to intimidate other scientists instead of using facts and logic. That is what is wrong with the way funding is done in science, the way praise is earned, and who gets praise. This really has to be done on the basis of science and not social power. You can start a “hate mail corner” where you post the worst offenders with their full email/IP address. A statement that anyone who makes a direct threat against you will be reported to the authorities may also help.