Periodically in Legal Terms

I share your dislike of words regularly and continuously, but I will continue to insert wording to convey the above points if it seems desirable. In the last example, “and is *periodically* established by the Agent in accordance with this Convention and the Agent`s lending systems and procedures”, the word “then” does not appear to be anchored. It is the equivalent of “at this moment” without identifying the time. If it means “at the time of determination,” is “then” a safe abbreviation? “Periodical.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. Presumably, the idea is that trustees would review commissions whenever they deemed it appropriate. The word periodical does not express this. Take, for example, people with sleep apnea, where breathing stops regularly and begins during the night. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms of periodical As I note in the post, periodical could mean “periodically” or simply “occasionally”. You have the latter meaning in mind, so why not say it? Time passed, and regularly a science blog raised a metaphorical eyebrow about the lack of test results. If I were the client, I would definitely want to be more specific at regular intervals, which could mean “at regular intervals” or just “from time to time”. I would specify the intervals.

And depending on the context, it may rather be appropriate for the bank to provide an explanation when the customer asks for it. She regularly showed up in the house and stayed in the attic, where she hung beads and burned incense. And if you want to express the idea that things might change over time, you can do it better than periodically: trust trustees can periodically review the commissions paid by the portfolio to determine whether commissions paid over representative periods were proportional to the benefits to the portfolio. “Ahhhmm-hmmmm,” our ranger growls regularly, signaling our friendly intentions. comply with the Company`s written policies and procedures in effect from time to time, including the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and the Guidelines on Significant Governance Matters, as amended from time to time. I think I just don`t understand what`s wrong with that word. If you are not worried about vagueness (your first point) or a particular criterion of discretion (your second point), then “periodic” seems like a good way to express “periodically” or “occasionally”. Is it too stuffy for your taste? But isn`t there sometimes a place for vagueness? For example, when I do consulting work, I write in my legal services contract that I send invoices “periodically.” I know it`s vague, but I can rarely work for the client during our engagement, so I don`t want to commit to a specific interval. Sure, I could say that I send an invoice “within X days of the end of a month, I`m working for the client,” but in some circumstances it may make more sense to wait until after two months of work and send an invoice (for example, if I`m doing a finished “project” for them). At the end of the day, I want to cover the fact that I`m going to send invoices and the customer is obligated to pay them, but I don`t want to go into details.

So what`s wrong with being vague in this context? Britannica English: Translation of a periodical for Arabic speakers These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “periodical”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. The Bank will periodically provide the Client with an account statement for each account, identifying the assets of the accounts. The North regularly throws Scuds, like Thursday`s, and sometimes these events have geopolitical significance. One of the most beautiful sites of the church is the one that the guilds of the place do regularly. My friends, there is never a good reason to include it regularly in a contract. The aforementioned tidal rivers are actually estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay and periodically flow inland. In order to escape the humidity and cold of English winters, he was regularly brought to southern France.

and will be determined by the Agent in accordance with this Agreement and the Agent`s lending systems and procedures, which shall be in effect from time to time. Then things got strangely complicated, as they seem to be periodically in Irish history. I was one of those who accidentally used “periodically” in my contracts until my lawyer told me that a “newspaper” is usually used to refer to a regularly published magazine or publication. If you wish to express in a contract an obligation that should arise from time to time, we can either say so or use the term “periodically”. And besides, I imagine something different about it – very different from the old Bible – I imagine that everything is revised regularly. Is it more concise? (One word instead of three or four.) There are two issues that the authors want to address with words like “from time to time,” “for now,” and others: (1) A right or obligation may arise more than once. (2) A right or obligation shall be exercised by reference to the rules, etc., in force at the time of exercise or performance. A fixed-term contract of 90 days or less (so-called fixed short-term agreement) is considered periodic. That is, the contract termination rules are those that apply to periodic leases, not fixed-term contracts.

In this case, the “period” of the lease is the duration of the limited term. For example, if the contract allows you to rent for 60 days, the recurring “period” of the lease is 60 days. She is the creative mind behind many of our website`s enticing explanatory videos, including a recent one about how an element deserves a place in the periodic table. Usual; ordinary; without unexpected or unusual deviations; in accordance with usual practice. There are two exceptions to the rule that short-term fixed arrangements are treated as if they were periodic. The agreement is not considered periodic if the resident genuinely wants an agreement to end at the end of the fixed short-term period and the deadline has been set at the resident`s request. The other situation is where the park operator gives the resident appropriate notice warning that the resident cannot expect the agreement to continue beyond the specified date and that the resident signs the notice (see Residential Parks Act 2007 (SA)s 4). By varying fuel exposure according to a periodic pattern, temperature and micromuscular accordions vary. Even before the pandemic, businesses were facing increasing losses due to bottlenecks and periodic supply chain closures.

Supported by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary. This is evident not only in the upheavals that have spread from Atlanta to Wisconsin this year, but also in the periodic upheavals that have been repeated over the past century. The periodic reduction of these positions increases the price volatility of technology stocks. What about discretionary language? For example, if neither the park operator nor the resident has terminated the contract under the Residential Parks Act, 2007 (SA) (see Termination of a Contract) and the contract does not need to be reissued (see Reissue of Contracts), the contract will continue as a periodic lease (see Residential Parks Act, 2007 (SA) s 17A). Model contracts have been prepared by the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services for rentals. For example, a person`s ordinary course of business is the profession in which that person usually works for a living. It is ambiguous because it expresses two different meanings. Ken Adams is the main authority when it comes to clearly stating everything you want to say in a contract. He is the author of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting and offers online and classroom training worldwide. He is also Chief Content Officer of LegalSifter, Inc., a company that combines artificial intelligence and expertise to help review contracts. n c.

Peaslee, 20 Wie. 579, 15 L. ed. 1022. Recurring at fixed intervals; are carried out or carried out or take place in successive periods separated by certain time intervals; as regular interest payments on a bond. A periodic contract is for a recurring period with no fixed duration (it has a start date but no fixed end date). A periodic rental can be continued indefinitely. It repeats itself automatically until the parties do something to stop it. The duration of the “period” of a periodic lease is the period of time between rent payments under the contract. For example, if rent is payable every two weeks, the “term” of the lease is two weeks; And if the rent is payable every calendar month, the “period” is a calendar month. The length of the period is important when the contract is terminated (see Termination of a contract). A fixed-term contract is valid for a defined period of time and has a fixed start date and end date.

However, the agreement does not automatically terminate on the specified date. Yes, those are two of the problems. But I suggest that the correlation between all these problems and the use of phrases indicating frequency and duration is unpredictable.