Pecuniary Benefit Meaning in Business

But according to Hamilton, “it quickly became clear that any comfort other than financial would be acceptable.” That is why Parliament warmly welcomed a bill to relieve them of some of their financial burden. So we formulated the policy of working from anywhere as a non-financial benefit. 3. `financial advantage` means an advantage in the form of money, property, commercial interests or any other thing the principal meaning of which is economic gain; From then until Barker left the France, Pschard worked with him and reaped no financial benefits. The financial arrangements were all in place and the deal was made before Jane knew anything about it. The following words and phrases, when used in this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning: As a young man, he was notable for his financial generosity. (1) “benefit” means a gain or advantage, or anything that the recipient considers to be a gain or benefit, including an advantage to another person or organization in whose welfare the recipient is interested, does not mean an advantage generally granted to a group or class of electors as a result of public policies that a candidate supports or opposes; Many Democrats found the financial power of the Republican Super PACS very intimidating. Pecuniary first appeared in English in the early 16th century and comes from the Latin word pecunia, meaning “money”. This root and the Latin peculium, meaning “private property”, are related to the Latin name for cattle, pecus.

Among Latin-speaking peoples (as among many other populations, past and present), livestock was considered a commodity and property was often valued in terms of livestock. Pecunia also gave us penniless, a word meaning “to have little or no money”, while peculium gave us peculate, synonymous with embezzlement. In Peculium, you can also recognize the particular word, which originally meant “characteristic of one” or “distinctive” before it got its current meaning from “strange.” However, this is an extremely serious issue as it affects the character and financial value of these mines. Supported by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary.