Musica Legal Para Stories De Comida

The memories we make a list of songs that talk about food, not masterpieces without musical genre, so today we do not have to question the artistic quality, and when we are told this sausage with which Leticia Sabater is recycled ¦ we do not have to take it into account either©. Talk about food and how to combine it so that it is of great benefit to those with children. To feel this taste of infance, there is nothing better than the music “I want is more” of the group Sandy & Junior. Just hearing gives the will to be a child again and eat everything sweet: sorbet, bombom, chocolate, whipped cream, ball and everything you did well. Put this music in the hour you prepared the snack with the successful kids! The senses are permanent stimuli in cooking and in many other arts such as music. When you join two of them, magical things happen, like when food is used to inspire the composition of great songs. Downs talks about all the ingredients used to make it, peanuts, dried almonds, chocolate, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, chili, as well as molendera, the person who is professionally responsible for grinding all the ingredients that end up making a mixture. That`s not all, because food is a recurring theme in our musical history, but it`s all those that talk about food, that moved us at the time or that made us dance beautifully. This is another of the food-inspired songs, one of the easiest, most beautiful and delicious ways to spoil someone is through food; Well, they say that “love enters through the stomach.” It could have become one of the quintessential summer soundtracks year after year and the 2021 holidays would be no less. Perfect to make every trip musical, always equal to the destination and if it takes place in summer. It`s hard to imagine a more exciting food than chocolate: eating it means feeling loved, receiving warmth in the body and even having a little more joy in the day. The Mexican group took advantage of it and made a whole ode – a few cursi, but very sweet – for all the crazes. There`s no denying that Tim Maia is one of the most distinctive voices in national music, born? And if you don`t have the opportunity to help this live artist, all you have to do is tan the music on YouTube or Spotify.

“Chocolate”, for example, is the perfect song for those who want to make a dessert and have a themed hit for now. Drop it or play! Red and round tomatoes are one of the most commonly used vegetables for cooking and as if that were not enough, they also served as inspiration to create melodies. In this song, he mentions rösti, a dish of potatoes, oil, salt and sometimes spices; This preparation is a staple in American breakfast, as well as eggs with sausages, toast and coffee. Que tal um pouquinho de açúcar para adoçar o seu dia? “Sugar”, da banda americana Maroon 5, é perfeita para se animar e cantar em voz alta na cozinha. Colocque o som no volume máximo e curta esse momento. And as the highlight of this list of songs that talk about food, an added bonus that, although it is not subtitled in ±Spanish, but in German, it is a Valencian paella recipe sung in a German program from the ±60s. A room that has no waste. Laugh at Jamie Oliver. How about a delicious Bruce chocolate cake to celebrate? This song was released in 1999 by the northern band Genitallica; Over the years, however, he became a musical icon of Los Estrambóticos. Who©has not heard the vocal flow of Antonio Molina, who sings the verse, cooks, cooks, lights the candle well and carefully prepares rice with beans, which, by the way, are a good combination to combine rice (cereals) with beans (legumes), in order to obtain vegetable proteins of high biological value.

Not only did Miliki make us laugh like no one else when©we were kids, but he also©sang to us that eating is a pleasure if you know how ± eat well, so that the little ones become aware of the need to eat healthy. Prepare something tasty for a snack and play these food-inspired songs! Tom Waits is a musician and composer dedicated to writing songs inspired by the authors of the Beat generation, especially Jack Kerouac and Charles Bukowski. In some of his compositions, he also includes food as a common thread to tell a story like eggs and sausages. “Jujuba, Bananada, Pipoca, Cocada, Queijadinha, Sorvete e Sundae de Chocolate”. Uma combinação dessas resulta na melhor mesa de doces possível, né? A music “Não é proibido”, by Marisa Monte, awakens this vontade to prepare chocolate bolo e se esbaldar de doces. We`re not going to classify or make a timeline because it`s music and the music flows, so it`s more the result of a gastronomic conversation we had a few days ago with the members of the Redacción de Cocinillas. Did anyone say guacamole? Kevin Johansen wrote a song that celebrates this incredible preparation. Apparently, the Argentinian loves the combination of beans, meat and guacamole and of course! The creamy combination with a little acidity, a little spice and the sweetness of the onion is something spectacular. The winning group of Eurovision is fashionable and after the triumph of Zitti e Bouni, this cover of the song Madcon is ideal for the most rock and cheeky stories. 15 perfect summer songs for your Instagram Stories on the beach. / Unsplash / Dominik Dancs He also mentions one of the most perfect combinations that exist – pineapple and coconut – which are essential for making drinks like piña colada. The Australian in this song uses chocolate to talk about love and the sensations it evokes.

The Mexican composer of Oaxacacasian origin relies on Mexican ingredients and preparations for many of her songs. It is one of the funniest and most curious songs inspired by food After©being at El muelle de San Blas, Carlos Vives discovered that a girl`s kiss tasted like fresh fruit and wasted no time telling everyone.