Metlife Life Insurance Terms Conditions

You can contact your financial expert if you have any questions, visit our support pages for life insurance, disability insurance, annuities, long-term care insurance or visit our contact page. MetLife`s knowledge and expertise offers a wide range of benefits solutions. Health, car, law, life and much more. Coverage applies to certain insurance and annuity products (not securities, variables or investment advisory products) and depends on the ability and financial strength of the insurer. Uncovered expenses are health care costs that are not covered by your existing health insurance program. These may include services such as plastic surgery, chiropractic or psychological services. Phone: 1-855-351-6855 Email: To ensure that your benefits are distributed to those you intend to do, you must choose a beneficiary – the person (or persons) who will receive the proceeds of your life insurance policy upon your death. Like most insurance policies, MetLife policies contain exclusions, limitations, benefit reductions and conditions to maintain them. All costs and details can be obtained from your financial representative. For example, if a doctor or hospital is part of your insurance company`s network of providers, it may be necessary to accept a lump sum dollar as payment for services rendered. For example, if your insurance company`s eligible fee for an ultrasound is $100, the clinic must accept $100 as full payment for the service.

A waiting period is the period of time before a new employee is eligible for coverage under an organization`s health care plan. It can also refer to the window of time between a policy`s effective date and the date a provider pays for certain pre-existing conditions. Average end-of-life and funeral expenses are greater than $20,0001 A support creditor is a person covered by the primary policyholder`s plan, such as a spouse or child. An insurer is a company or organization that provides insurance coverage. Loss of life is something we don`t think about, but it`s important to plan for the unexpected so your family can be taken care of. Exclusions are conditions or treatments that are not covered by health insurance. Typically, your beneficiaries receive income tax-exempt death benefits. In the case of permanent life insurance, present values are incurred on a deferred tax basis. This means that you do not have to pay income tax on the policy as long as the policy remains in force. In addition, most policy loans and withdrawals are not taxable (although withdrawals and loans reduce cash value and death benefits).3 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC is the copyright owner of all text contained on this website.

METLIFE, METLIFE ONLINE, LIFE ADVICE, ® ®® have you encountered life today? ® and other trademarks and service marks of Metropolitan Life Assurance Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates mentioned on this website are the property of Metropolitan Life Assurance Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. The trademarks and service marks of other parties are the property of their respective owners. Nothing on this website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark without our written permission. The name MetLife, Inc., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, MetLife or our logo may not be used in any way, including advertising or advertising, in connection with the distribution of materials on this website, without prior written permission. You may not use our logo as a hyperlink to this website unless you have received our prior written permission. A policyholder – or policyholder – is the person who purchased, paid for and is covered by the insurance policy. An insured person is any person covered by an insurance plan, including the policyholder and his dependants. Life insurance comes in two main types, term and permanent, both of which may be available at your workplace. MetLife no longer sells new life, long-term care, disability or annuity insurance to individuals through agents.

We continue to enroll eligible employees in existing employer-sponsored pension plans, with or without a representative. Please select an option below for more information. Forward-looking statements may be affected by unclear assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Many of these factors will be important in determining our actual future results. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the results described in these forward-looking statements will be realized. In particular, the Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. Life insurance at your workplace may be more affordable than you think. In fact, many people can get term life insurance from a quality company at a surprisingly low price.4 Also known as an off-grid provider, an off-grid provider is a provider outside the network of your insurance program. Medical services provided by off-grid providers are generally more expensive than those covered by your insurance policy. Coinsurance is the percentage of costs you pay in each benefit year after your plan`s deductible is paid. Co-insurance only applies to insured medical services.

You may also need to make a co-payment. Those who purchase life insurance do so to ensure that their loved ones are financially provided. Life insurance is a promise made by an insurance company to pay a sum of money to those who depend on you after your death. In return, you make periodic payments called bonuses. Premiums can be based on factors such as age, gender, medical history, and the dollar amount of life insurance you purchased. A point-of-service plan is a health insurance plan that allows policyholders to use providers outside the network. However, you will likely pay higher deductibles or co-insurance costs for out-of-network care. An insurance policy is a contract between an insurer (the insurance company) and the insured (the person, company or covered entity).