Marco Legal Del Grupo Exito

Any person who, in his capacity as owner or legally authorised to process his personal data, belongs to one of the interest groups has the right: The decision was taken unanimously by the members of the Management Board, excluding the participation of the directors concerned, for a period of three months from that date. with respect to compliance with legal requirements and the Company`s Corporate Governance Compendium with respect to conflicts of interest and the use of inside information. FUNDACIÓN EXITO communicates to its stakeholders the privacy policy adopted in accordance with the current legal framework of Legislative Decrees 1581 of 2012 and 1266 of 2008. FUNDACIÓN EXITO processes the personal data of its stakeholders in the realization of its corporate purpose, that is: the provision of their resources for nutritional, health, sports, educational, cultural, scientific or technological, environmental, environmental or social development programs, insofar as they are of general interest. To this end, the Foundation will develop its objectives directly, with its own resources or in collaboration or association with other institutions or persons dedicated to the service of the community, whether national or foreign. web link: or send a communication to HABEAS DATA FUNDACIÓN ÉXITO at the following address: Carrera 48 # 32B OF 139 Piso 8 in the town of Envigado. Persons who exercise habeas data must provide precisely the requested contact details in order to process, process and respond to your request and indicate the charges related to the exercise of your rights. For the purposes, the appropriate forms are made available that ensure that the owner of the data can exercise his rights. Almacenes Éxito S.A. is a Colombia-based company specializing in retail. The company`s activities are divided into three geographical areas: Colombia, Brazil and other countries.

In Colombia, the company operates large wholesale and retail stores and discounters as well as supermarkets under various brands such as Éxito, Carulla, Surtimax, Inter and Seper Surtimayorista. In Brazil, its services include the sale of food products, the distribution of non-food products such as electronic devices and the operation of e-commerce stores. The Other Countries division includes supermarket management under the Libertad and Mini Libertad brands in Argentina and the Disco, Devoto and Geant brands in Uruguay. In addition, the company offers credit card issuance, travel agencies, insurance products and mobile services, among others. It is a subsidiary of CASINO GUICHARD-PERRACHON S.A. For the exercise of habeas data, the owner of the personal data or who proves a legitimate interest in accordance with current regulations may do so through the following e-mail: The Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of Grupo Éxito have warmly welcomed them, who consider them an important addition to the management team of Grupo Éxito. In addition, the Board of Directors has decided to authorize two of its members to acquire, directly or indirectly, ordinary shares of the Company, Daniel Cortés McAllister (up to 13,000 shares) and Luis Fernando Alarcón (up to 10,000 shares). FUNDACIÓN EXITO informs its customers that at the time of purchasing La Gotica® and donating donations returned to any of Grupo Éxito`s warehouses for the Foundation`s programs, it authorizes this entity to enter its data into our system in order to carry out the administrative processes necessary for the issuance of their donation receipt. as well as the treatment of the same for this purpose. The data may be disclosed to third parties responsible for the Foundation in some of its processes and will be kept secure. Mr. Gartz has over 12 years of experience in the financial sector.

Since 2013, he has been Vice President of Investment Banking Mergers and Acquisitions at Bancolombia, where he also held corporate finance positions in Latin America. Almacenes Éxito S.A. informs shareholders and the market in general that the Board of Directors yesterday appointed Manfred Heinrich Gartz Moisés as Vice President Finance and Administration, who will take office on September 1st. I accept the Terms and Conditions, the Marketplace Terms and consent to the processing of my personal data under the following conditions. Discover our exclusive offers and launch 2022 Success ® NIT 890900608-9. All rights reserved. Mr. Gartz is Colombian and holds a Production Engineer and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from Eafit University in Medellín and a Master`s degree in Finance from Boston College, Massachusetts. Upon receipt of the request to exercise habeas data, FUNDACIÓN EXITO will respond in accordance with the law. This policy was approved by the legal representative of FUNDACIÓN EXITO on July 19, 2017. The personal data stored by FUNDACIÓN EXITO in its capacity as data controller and / or data controller will be treated in accordance with the principles and regulations established by Colombian laws and best practices for the system of protection of personal data.

Therefore, they are processed for the following general purposes: in each business process and in accordance with the personal data collected and the processing to be carried out, the respective purposes are previously communicated in the respective privacy policy; Name or company name and contact details of the person responsible or persons responsible for the treatment, if the treatment is carried out by a person responsible, this responsible person will be under the direction of FUNDACIÓN EXITO; The rights that support the owner and the mechanisms provided by FUNDACIÓN EXITO for the publication of the Privacy Policy will be implemented in accordance with the development of the proven responsibility program within the organization. Both directors stated that their respective operations were conducted for reasons unrelated to speculation.