Legal Working Age Al

14: (Light work only. Must have parental permission. The limitation of working time and the reduction of weekly working hours must not interfere with school education) 16: (Light work only. Full education required. Restricted working hours) 18: Unrestricted women:15: With extensive restrictions on hours of work and type of work18: May only participate in underground work if they are involved in underground work by order20: (Without restriction)[42]Chapter 6, Articles 56-62 Alabama`s child labor laws allow young people to legally find employment at age 14. However, industry policies can prevent miners from getting certain jobs. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets wages, hours of work, and safety requirements for minors (persons under the age of 18) working in occupations covered by the Act. The rules vary depending on the age of the minor and the activity concerned. As a general rule, the LSF sets the minimum age for admission to employment at 14 and limits the number of hours worked by minors under 16 years of age. None (18 years old to work as a waiter in a restaurant that sells alcohol, or as a bartender. Age is not a factor in the job for a business for which the sale of alcohol is not the primary focus, as long as that business holds an off-site license, meaning alcohol cannot be consumed on the property.) Alabama has no restrictions on maximum working hours for minors ages 16 and 17.

In the state of Alabama, 14- and 15-year-olds are only allowed to work between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. when school is in session. These teens can be on the clock for a total of 18 hours a week and work up to three hours a day on school days or eight hours a day on weekends. Minors aged 16 and 17 have fewer restrictions on their daily working hours, but are not allowed to work until 5:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. during the school year. Labor certificates, also known as work permits, are mandatory in Alabama for miners under the age of 18 or under the age of 18 if they work in mines. The certificate must be obtained by the minor and presented to his employer in order to verify his ability to work before hiring.

Restrictions on night work set limits on the time at which a minor can legally work. In Alabama, no minor under the age of 18 may be employed in, around or in connection with any of the following professions, positions or locations: In tunnels or excavations with depths greater than four (4) feet. The following occupations in excavation operations are prohibited: excavation, work or backfilling (backfilling) of trenches, except manual excavation or manual backfilling of trenches that do not exceed a depth of more than four feet at any point. Minors 16 years of age and older may obtain permission to work on excavation sites less than four (4) feet deep. Summer jobs When school is over, the time limits for 14- and 15-year-olds change. You can work up to 40 hours per week without exceeding eight hours per shift or work after 9:00 p.m. At this point, the law requires that minors with summer jobs be given at least one day off and a 30-minute break during continuous five-hour shifts. The law prohibits minors under the age of 16 from working in construction, factories and warehouses, as well as any other activity that may endanger their physical well-being. Therefore, only companies with a Class I child labour certificate are allowed to hire young teenagers. Some jobs in Alabama for 14- and 15-year-olds include: The legal working age is the legal age required for a person in any country or jurisdiction if they have not reached the age of majority.

Activities that are dangerous or harmful to health, or that may affect the morale of minors, fall into this category. Women:15: Limited hours of work and type of work.18: Some restrictions on working in manifestly unhealthy conditions.19: (Unrestricted). [43] Articles 64 and 70-72 of the Labour Code introduce the minimum age. Application of Federal Child Labor Regulations to Amusement Parks and Recreational Facilities Fact Sheet Specific information on the jobs that underage employees of certain ages can perform while employed in amusement parks. Prohibited activities include driving a motor vehicle or providing external assistance work on a highway. While some states require working minors to provide an age certificate document to their employers, minors who want to work in Alabama are not required. Employers are expected to identify the minors they employ and ensure that their employment complies with all federal and state child labor restrictions. Welcome to the Alabama Department of Labor`s Division of Child Labor. The Alabama Child Labor Act was enacted to protect working minors. The law prohibits young people from working in professions or workplaces that could harm their health or moral well-being.

By regulating the working hours during which young people are allowed to work, the law guarantees minors sufficient time to take advantage of their educational opportunities.