Legal to Hunt Mountain Lions

It`s just disgusting and really terrible. Stop putting a price on wildlife. Pumas, bears, wolves are not trophies, they are wild animals that deserve the right to hunt and maintain the balance desired by nature. Our experts have repeatedly submitted numerous studies to the Commission and the State Wildlife Board showing that hunting mountain lions, especially at such high rates, can increase conflicts with humans, domestic animals and livestock. When adult mountain lions are removed from a population, the disturbance causes social chaos in their society and young males, who are naturally less skilled at hunting, are more likely to be involved in human-livestock conflict. Non-lethal livestock protection tools and strategies, such as locking animals up at night and using light or audible deterrents, are far more effective than relying on hunting and predator control to manage mountain lions. Three idiot hunters who illegally killed a mountain lion in Yellowstone National Park last year were caught posting photos of their trophy on social media. Mountain lions used to occupy the entire United States from coast to coast, but today they are mostly found in 14 western states with a small endangered population in Florida. Five very small populations regained an uncertain foothold east of the Rockies in the 1980s and 90s, but their future is uncertain.

Fox reports that each of the men admitted to shooting the mountain lion in the park on Dec. 12 last year before bringing it across the border in their vehicle. Mountain lion hunts may seem expensive, but considering all that`s needed to prepare for the hunt — keeping and training a pack of dogs is a difficult task — these are relative bargains. Prices start at around $3,500 and average $7,500 to $8,000, depending on the region`s reputation and outfitter for producing high-quality trophies. Mountain lion hunts can be combined with hunts for other cats such as bobcats and lynx. The majority of South Dakota`s mountain lions live in the state`s Black Hills, though these big cats are frequently shot in the rest of the state, with unlimited hunting and no knowledge of population size outside the Black Hills. According to the latest population estimates, the Black Hills are home to only 203 mountain lions old enough to be hunted legally. Hunting 30% of this population could not only threaten the survival of the species in the state, but also exacerbate breeding conflicts. Mountain lions can kill humans, but this is extremely rare. They are loners who are more likely to avoid people and/or run away when confronted. However, there were some conflicts between mountain lions and humans that ended fatally. A woman hiking the Hunchback Trail on Mount Hood in Oregon disappeared in late August 2018.

Authorities found her body at the foot of an embankment a few days later and discovered that she had been attacked by a mountain lion. This was the first fatal attack by a mountain lion in Oregon. How did they disappear from the eastern United States? Are they also in danger of disappearing from the western United States? Can you hunt mountain lions? Should? Let`s find out the pros and cons. But if you live, work or play in the land of cats, be careful! Avoid walking alone between dusk and dawn, when lions are most active. Keep your children and pets close to you. Never approach a mountain lion (or wild animal). If you encounter a mountain lion, STOP. DON`T RUN. Contrary to safety tips for meeting bears, you should not act shy or play dead in front of a cat. Reading this article about hunting and killing our beautiful cougars is really disgusting, shameful, disgusting and extremely disturbing. What kind of people would allow selfish trophy hunters to kill these magnificent animals??!! Our cougars are already underpopulated due to habitat loss and disgusting trapping sites.

It`s outrageous and we`re very annoying. Man must always interfere with Mother Nature and cast the balance of nature. The animals themselves keep the balance under control. Nature knows better than anyone. Our cougars, as well as ALL other wildlife, benefit all other species. It`s proven. ALL ANIMAL SPECIES ARE IMPORTANT. EVERY ANIMAL COUNTS. EACH ANIMAL CONTRIBUTES TO THE WELL-BEING OF OUR ECOSYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENT. STOP THE MADNESS – IT`S CRAZY THAT THIS IS HAPPENING.

THAT WOULD BE SO WRONG. OUR WILDLIFE ALSO WANTS AND DESERVES TO LIVE – JUST LIKE US. YOU BELONG TO US HERE, AND WE CAN ALL LIVE HERE TOGETHER AS IT SHOULD BE. In the rare case of an attack, defend yourself. Most people succeed in hunting the mountain lion. Mountain lions live in the western half of the United States and Florida. They lived throughout the United States, but their range is limited to western states after decades of hunting and habitat loss. Mountain lions are also known as Puma, Puma and Panther.

The isolated population in Florida is called the Florida Panthers. Whatever they are called, they share the same characteristics as the solitary, stealthy big cats that are at the top of the food chain. The commission also voted to extend the hunting season by an additional month until April of each year, and it increased the number of permits at Custer State Park, where hunters can use hunting dogs to hunt mountain lions. Photo by Jim Zuckerman/Alamy Stock Photo Our nation must move away from these archaic and horrific practices. Instead of currying favor with a handful of people who want to kill these beautiful animals to brag about their rights, South Dakota wildlife officials should strive to find the best ways to preserve their precious native wildlife for generations to come. The path the state has now taken leads nowhere beyond a trophy hunter`s living room. Mountain lion hunting is legal in the state of Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park, but the trio had deliberately crossed the park boundaries and killed the animal in a protected area. I would like to see the statistics that justify mountain lion hunting. A 30% death is quite drastic. Hunting in the spring will pretty much guarantee the death of pregnant females or newborns that die without a mother.

What if these hunters were hunted, killed and their children starved?????? What totally disgusts me is that the really lazy ass hunter who needs dogs to hunt and chase the majestic creatures on top of a tree or corner him on a rocky outcrop and get to the place at his own pace and kill the lion at will. What a great athlete. Something to be terribly proud of. Real boastful material in any case. What a joke. If you still can`t find what you`re looking for, please contact us and we`ll try to help you find what you`re looking for on the MLF website. Our email address is and our phone number is 916-442-2666. Mountain lions are solitary unless they mate or raise and maintain territories with an average area of 100 square miles. Lions mark their territories by scratching trees and urinating on piles of dry leaves, grass or pine needles.

They will fight against other lions, even to the death, to protect their territory.