Legal Time to Buy Beer in Texas

In wet counties, you can buy beer in Texas at the following locations: Other laws in Texas: Take-out alcohol becomes legal in Texas. How much alcohol can you buy in bars and restaurants? If you`d rather buy your beer in bulk or enjoy craft beers, you may be wondering about growlers. Some states do not allow them. With some of Texas` blue laws, it would be easy to assume that producers are illegal. Another place to find beer, wine, and spirits is at your local brewery or winery. Of course, you can sip cocktails or beer during your visit. However, many breweries, wineries, and even distilleries offer spirits to take away for your parties. If you`re interested in craft beers, this is a great option. The change also allows hotel bars to sell alcohol to a registered guest at any time. The state of Texas has some restrictions on when you can buy beer, wine, and alcohol.

These authorized hours of sale vary by county. Some will be more restrictive, especially in partially dry counties. These new laws are an update of the “blue laws,” a set of regulations enacted immediately after prohibition. They were elected by the affected Texans after the sale and serving of alcohol became legal again. Now, nearly a hundred years later, the Texas government has finally eased Sunday restrictions. In 2020, many states allowed beer delivery for a limited time. Most states have since permanently legalized the supply of alcohol. Attempting to purchase, possess and drink alcohol before the legal drinking age will be punished. Drunk driving is another matter. These laws are relatively new. They were published shortly before autumn 2021. Sunday sales were completely illegal in Texas.

Here are the legal hours of alcohol sales in Texas: For example, if you are a cashier and you let someone (especially a minor) buy alcohol outside the period, you are liable to jail time or a fine. In Texas, you can buy beer and wine for off-site use on Sundays from 10 a.m. to midnight. The sale of beer and wine on site is legal on Sundays from noon to midnight. Restaurants and bars can serve alcohol with a meal from 10am. You cannot buy alcohol on Sundays. This year, Gov. Greg Abbott also signed a bipartisan bill legalizing the sale of alcohol to go in the state. The state had temporarily authorized the practice at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. A The producer of beer shipped to the state must hold a non-resident manufacturer (BS) license. This licensee may transport beer in Texas with a joint carrier holding a carrier permit (C) or in motor vehicles owned or leased by the non-resident manufacturer.

This beer can only be shipped and sold to Importer Licence (IB) holders. It is illegal in Texas to sell beer and wine or any type of alcohol before 10 a.m. on a Sunday. Off-site beer/wine license or permit (e.g., supermarket or grocery store): While some states don`t enforce closing times for bars, Texas does. Bars are limited by the legal sales hours of on-site retailers. Texas` new law, also known as House Bill 1518, was signed into law by Greg Abbot in the fall of 2020. It makes it legal to sell alcohol before noon on a Sunday and relaxes requirements for liquor stores to sell later in the evening. This legislation makes it easier for liquor store owners and anyone who attempts to purchase alcohol outside of regular business hours. Whether you just moved or grew up in Texas, you may have tried buying alcohol on a Sunday and found that the store was closed.

You may be thinking, when can you buy alcohol and beer in Texas? On weekdays, shops can sell beer and wine Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to midnight and from 7 a.m. Saturday to Sunday 1 a.m. Texas stores can sell beer and wine from 7 a.m. to midnight on weekdays. On Saturdays, retailers can sell beer and wine from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. On-site retailers can serve beer, wine and mixed beverages Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Spirits can only be sold Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The bill provides an exemption for hotel bars that can sell alcohol to registered customers at any time of the day. Can you still have beer delivered to your home in Texas? Although drinking is legal after the age of 21, driving drunk is highly illegal. Although there is a legal limit, alcohol if it affects the driver`s abilities is illegal, regardless of blood alcohol level. The legal limit for anyone under the age of 21 in Texas is any detectable amount of alcohol. Upon initial conviction, the person can lose their licence for up to one year, be fined up to $500 and attend an alcohol education class. More:Want to watch the game with a cold beer? Try these El Paso sports bars So what are the alcohol laws in Texas? To buy beer in Texas, you only need to be over 21 years old and have a piece of legal ID proving it. Retailers generally have an “under 40” policy. If you are under 40, they will have to ask for your ID.

When will they stop selling beer in Texas? Let`s find out. Before state law consolidated beer and beer into malted beverages in 2021, beer and beer were separate classifications. HB 1518 allows hotel bars to serve alcohol to registered guests at any time. A peace commissioner may inspect licensed or licensed premises at any time without a search warrant to fulfill an obligation imposed by the Texas Alcohol Beverage Code. The premises include the entire site and the buildings, vehicles and related accessories (articles and accessories) and adjacent premises under the control of the permit holder or licensee, if covered by the licence or permit of the TABC. You can allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto your premises when applying for a TABC permit. If you get a Wine and Beer Merchant (BG) license, you can still allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages even after obtaining a TABC license. Some establishments that sell only wine and beer allow customers to bring distilled spirits and sell “facilities.” This would not be legal with a private club registration permit (N) or a mixed beverage permit (MB). In Texas, it is illegal to have an open or unsealed container of alcohol in a motor vehicle. The container must be placed in a locked glove compartment, in the trunk or behind the last right seat.

An open container outside these areas is a category C administrative offence. If a liquor store or grocery store that is open sells wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages outside of legal hours, they may be penalized depending on the permit. There are many rules about when you can buy beer. Unfortunately, this can get more complicated with localization rules. In general, beer is sold almost everywhere, but hard spirits are more limited. The legal drinking age in the United States is uniform across the country. There are sometimes exceptions, as I will explain in the next section. Texas breweries can sell beer on-site and off-site Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to midnight. On Saturdays, opening hours extend until 1 p.m. On Sundays, they can sell beer from 10am (if served with food) until midnight. On-site sales can continue until 2 a.m.

if the brewery has a late-hour permit. Counties may also choose not to allow late approvals. This means that bar closing times vary throughout the state. Knowing when to buy beer in Texas is crucial, whether you`re shopping at a grocery store, gas station, or liquor store. We hear you – Texas` alcohol laws are pretty confusing. A malt beverage is a fermented beverage containing 0.5% alcohol by volume and brewed or produced from malt or a malt substitute. This includes both beer and beer. Current alcohol laws in Texas restrict the sale of beer, wine or liquor before 10 a.m.

on Sunday morning. Here`s a tip, buy everything you need for Saturday night Sunday. However, this limit applies from midnight to noon and applies in all places where alcohol is sold. Liquor stores are closed all day on Sundays. The 87th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1518 in the spring, which went into effect Wednesday, Sept. 1. The Act amends the Liquor Act, which previously required grocery stores and convenience stores to wait until noon to sell beer and wine. When can you order alcohol at a Sunday bar in Texas? Out of the fifty states, there are almost as many different beer laws. If you don`t know the laws surrounding beer, you can break one without knowing it. What are the beer laws in Texas? Liquor laws allow bars or restaurants with an end-of-hour permit [1] or a catering permit to serve alcohol until 2 a.m. Guests registered in the hotel bars can order at any time of the day. However, liquor stores must ask for identification at all times and may be fined if they do not request it.