Legal Aid Assistance near Me

Click here for more information. If you are eligible, you can meet with a CLS lawyer in court or apply online at to see if you qualify for assistance. of low-income families will have at least one civil law problem per year. Information about the law or tools to solve simple legal problems. Legal Aid is a non-profit public interest law firm that provides free legal services to low-income Arkansans with civil law issues in 31 counties. With a holistic approach, Legal Aid of North Carolina provides free legal aid when people need it most, because everyone deserves a lawyer when their home, health, or livelihood is at stake. Rita Smith: Call or (951) 888-2039 or email: NC Legal Aid`s team of lawyers, paralegals, social workers, staff and volunteers is dedicated, hardworking and resourceful. But they can`t do it alone. They need your support to increase their service and support capacity.

You can request assistance from the Arapahoe County Bar Association by filling out the form here. Someone will contact you to find out if you are eligible for support and to determine if someone is available to help you. Our mission is to provide pro bono legal services, education and advice to qualified low-income residents of Riverside County. You may be eligible for rent and other assistance. Click here for more information. If you are financially affected by #COVID19, have a child living with you at home, and earn up to $75,000 per year, you may be eligible for emergency assistance of up to $4,000 (depending on your needs). This money can be used to pay rent/mortgage, cover home or car repairs, pay medical or mental health bills, buy groceries, and more! To apply, visit and apply for Colorado Works/TANF by clicking “Request Benefits.” Call Denver Human Services at 720-944-4347 if you have any questions. We condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd and all Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) by police and others who oppress them, whether in Minnesota, Oregon or anywhere else in our country. As legal aid organizations, our mission is to bring justice to Oregon`s low-income communities by providing a full range of civil justice services of the highest quality. We emphasize our clients` right to determine our solutions to the problems they face, and our clients have long told us that racial discrimination is a major barrier to escaping poverty.

We are accountable to our clients for working to reduce systemic racism and white supremacy while fighting for economic justice on their behalf. Lawyers and staff across the state will continue to work together to bring equality, justice and integrity to our communities and our legal system. Legal Aid Chicago provides free civil justice services to people living in poverty in Cook County. All clients must be registered by telephone and their eligibility must be verified by our Client Selection Unit at 312-341-1070. Free legal services for qualified individuals in the following areas: Federally funded legal aid firms provide expert lawyers to help low-income people with legal problems. Since 2020, demand for our services has exploded, demonstrating the critical need for civilian representation in every city and community in North Carolina. Thank you, Sarah Ridgley, artist and lawyer, for your generous donation of $50,000 to Legal Aid of Arkansas and the Center for Arkansas Legal Services. Generosity like yours makes a huge difference in the lives of our customers and the number of people we can serve. Your donation will provide free civil legal assistance to an additional 125 low-income families in Arkansan.

What impact this will have not only on our organizations, but on all of Arkansas. We are very grateful for your support. Thank you Sarah! You can find his work here We help all North Carolina residents, especially those living in extreme poverty, access to government support, health care, housing, and secure employment. Colorado Farmworkers Project provides advocacy and legal representation to agricultural workers. For more information about our DACA and naturalization assistance, please contact: Don Sylvester and Patricia Gilmour-Sylvester Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation Julia Marshall Little River Charitable Foundation Myles E.