Legal Age to Buy Alcohol in Ireland

Il. est. 18. A person under the age of 18 can only legally drink alcohol in Ireland if they are in a private residence and have parental consent. Under the Road Traffic Act 2010, it is illegal in Ireland to drive a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. To find out more, check out our guide to driving in Ireland. It is illegal to lower the price of alcohol at certain times of the day. This means that happy hours are against the law in Ireland. You will often see people sitting in a pub after 9.00pm below the legal drinking age in Ireland. You will also often see the bar staff informing parents that they must leave after 21:00. It`s also important to point out to your teen that “alcohol doesn`t just affect your body physically. There is growing evidence that young people who drink alcohol are at increased risk of developing mental health problems, including emotional and behavioural problems. Under Irish law, if you are travelling to Ireland with your child and they are under the age of 18, you can give them permission to drink alcohol once they are in a PRIVATE RESIDENCE.

To help you “enable open communication, evidence suggests that talking to your child about alcohol is considered a conversation rather than a lecture. When parents judge, criticize or disapprove of what a young person says, they may shut down or be afraid to ask questions. If you listen to what your child has to say and discuss their opinion with them, you show them that you accept their opinion, whether you agree or not. If a minor claims to be an adult and tries to buy alcohol, they will be fined Class E (up to €500) by a district court for a summary offence. If a minor is found in an unauthorized premises (such as supermarkets, grocery stores and bottle stores) with or without attention to the purchase, the same prosecution will apply. Other beverage promotions and special offers are illegal, including: If you buy alcohol, whether it`s a pub or business, you may be asked to show ID to prove you are over 18. “All these topics can increase their curiosity. In their minds, they may see drinking alcohol as part of the normal teenage experience. “If you are 18 or older, you can apply for a Garda age card as proof of age.

It is not an ID card and only serves to prove your age so that you can buy alcohol. The Garda Age Card is voluntary and costs €10. You can apply for the card online. However, in a private apartment and only with the consent of the parents, minors are allowed to drink legally. The HSE website also has tips for talking to the host about parties, as alcohol can be consumed in a private apartment, so if you, as a parent, don`t agree with this, you can say so about your own child. You can go to a bar under 18 between 10:30 and 21:00 (22:00 from May to September), but only if you are with a guardian or parent. Minors (15 to 17 years old) can stay longer if they attend a private event with a fixed amount of food. It is also a criminal offence to give alcohol to a person under the age of 18, unless the child is at home and the child has the consent of his or her parents. Ireland has strict rules governing alcohol advertising. It`s illegal to promote alcohol: It`s not what every teen wants to hear when it comes to alcohol, but the HSE has some good advice on how to deal with the questions your teen likes to ask you.

“Everyone is allowed to leave.” Although the purchase of alcohol for persons under the age of 18 is a criminal offence, the adolescent does not accept a drink or drink in someone`s home, i.e. in a private apartment, but only if he has the permission of his parents/guardians. Essentially, your teen can have a drink, but only in private – not in public. It is a criminal offence for a drunk person to consume alcohol. It is also a criminal offence to behave properly in a licensed building. This means that you must not behave in a manner that poses a risk to the health, safety or well-being of anyone on the premises. If the licence holder or a Garda asks you to leave, you must leave or you could be guilty of a crime. They could also be arrested. This document describes the law on alcohol in Ireland, the penalties for contravention of these laws and the powers of the Gardaí to enforce them.

In a private dwelling, it is forbidden to serve alcohol to a young person (under 18 years of age) without the express consent of his or her parents or guardians. With parental permission, anyone over the age of 16+ can work in a bar, but not serve alcohol. A legally permitted teen should always start after 6:00 a.m. and stop at 10:00 p.m. It is also illegal for an adult to purchase alcohol for a youth under the age of 18. The penalty is a maximum fine of € 1500. It is also illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to purchase alcohol for anyone under the age of 18. In their thoughts, they are just curious and join their friends, but they have not thought about the prolonged effect of their body. They just want to belong, especially since drinking alcohol with teenagers is a group activity. Cities may also have local ordinances that prohibit the consumption of alcohol in public. For people under the age of 18, the laws must be followed when it comes to being in a pub or without a licence.

If you are under 18 and do not have a licence, you must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. People under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy alcohol as it is illegal. The Gardaí may confiscate alcohol if you drink in public and behave in a way that could cause safety concerns. They may also confiscate alcohol if it is drunk by a person under 18 years of age or if they have reason to believe that it is consumed by a person under 18 years of age. If a non-adult is found in an establishment that serves alcohol, his parents must prove that they were not aware of his actions. Otherwise, they will be liable on summary conviction for a Class E fine. The bar owner is also charged. Liquor may only be sold in a licensed establishment during specified hours. For pubs that serve alcohol on site, these moments are: According to the, the old myth we`ve all heard about your child being allowed to drink under your supervision is better for them because they won`t get into trouble or are less likely to drink outside the house is indeed a myth.