Guns Should Be Legal Essay

It is the responsibility of citizens, in collaboration with the government, to ensure that security is maintained by all means. The United States is a diverse nation and the use of weapons was not new. Gun ownership by citizens of all ages is a consistent trend. It is obvious that security is important and […] In the United States, the number of cases of gun violence has increased significantly. The reason these numbers are so high is that firearms have been readily available to the general public. The impact gun violence has had on the country is so damaging that it`s time for Americans […] Now, let`s first look at some arguments on the gun control side: More gun control laws could reduce the number of casualties (Pro): Thanks to statistics, we can say that this could be the case, but thanks to some studies on gun ban, we can`t conclude whether new gun laws would really be as effective. A ban must be created […] 3) Persuasive essay – this type of assignment aims to convince the public of an idea by presenting facts, appealing to emotions or making a logical argument. Essays on gun control regulation remains one of modern America`s biggest controversial issues. Mass shootings, which result in countless deaths, continue to fuel debates about the need for stricter control policies.

But despite repeated cases of mass shootings, the debate and controversy are far from over. In 2018 alone, there was an average of one case of mass shootings per month, totaling about 20 by the end of the year. The trend continued in 2019 and the situation doesn`t look any better anytime soon. There are currently approximately 393,347,000 guns in the United States. This corresponds to 130.5 weapons per hundred inhabitants. Overall, 22% of Americans own assault weapons. One of the factors that has made it difficult to decisively resolve the issue of gun violence is that many of those who oppose stricter gun regulation policies believe the restrictions will violate the Second Amendment, which in part “must not violate the right of the people to own and bear arms.” Therefore, the right to own firearms is seen as part of every American citizen`s fundamental right to self-defense and even national security. Proponents of stricter controls argue that this part of the Second Amendment should apply only to militias and that a society where there are more guns than people is the seed of violence. As a result, the country remains divided on the pros and cons of gun control, leading to a stalemate. The problem of gun control in America will be a very big problem for a Rogerian argument. If you`re working on a plan for an argumentative essay or persuasive essay, or need ideas for a gun control essay, thesis, or research paper, you can use the examples on this page to complete your article like a pro! Gun control is a very controversial issue because while guns can be used recreationally, they can do a lot of harm. Over the course of reasonable years, guns have fallen into the wrong hands and, as a result, many innocent lives have been lost.

The question we all ask ourselves is: Should more gun control laws be passed? They say more […] The United States of America has always had a muddled and romantic history with guns, and as a nation that owns more guns than any other country in the world, some Americans view gun ownership and violence as a grave social danger. Several organizations and movements over the past two centuries have […] The United States has 120.5 guns per 100 people, or about 393,347,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capita number in the world. Every day, 7 children are killed and 12 others are injured by a firearm. U.S. support for stricter gun laws in 2020 fell to its lowest level since 2014. More than 36,000 Americans were victims of gun deaths in 2015. For the GUN CONTROL 7 examples, as given by Bynum, Grommon and McCluskey (2013), nearly one-quarter of federal inmates classified as drug-related offenders (among those charged after 1998) had also been charged with firearms. Guns are involved in every prison state operation: New York`s stop-and-frisk net has been […] There are more than thirty thousand deaths a year in the United States related to gun violence, with Americans using firearms for defense purposes every year. These deaths are the result of suicides, homicides and accidents. It is obvious that gun violence and gun control are serious national problems.

1) Gather your ideas and structure them clearly. As you express your point of view in your persuasive essay on gun control, add statistical data and supporting evidence to make your research more persuasive. Create your plan and don`t forget to use transition words and phrases to make your content interesting to readers. 2) Cause and effect testing – this type of work involves analyzing the causes and outcomes of a particular event or phenomenon. Usually, in examples of gun control essays, we see an overview of a particular law or event that relates to the topic and focuses on the cause-and-effect relationship. Gun control refers to legal measures taken to prevent the possession and use of firearms, and also restricts the sale and transfer of firearms by ordinary citizens. Gun control, especially in the most developed countries, is strict, but in others it is a sensitive political issue. The Gun Control Act of 1968, which deals with […] Society views weapons as a source of violence and evil.

Therefore, society believes that there must be strict regulation for firearms. However, many do not realize that enforcing strict gun controls is not the solution to the problem. People are very ignorant about guns, and they only talk to the masses. Gun control is […] There is no need for gun control because there really are not many people who are killed by firearms. “Americans were 21.5 times more likely to die from heart disease; 18.7 times more likely to die from malignant neoplasms; and 2.4 times more likely to die from diabetes or 2.3 times more likely to die from Alzheimer`s disease. 1) Argumentative essay – this task is to discover strong arguments to support the researcher`s point of view. To complete an argumentative essay on gun control, it is necessary to do extensive research, gather convincing arguments from reliable sources, and analyze them thoroughly. 3) Think about human psychology when creating your work. While every person has the right to own a weapon as a defensive measure, not everyone is able to resist the urge to pull the trigger. Consider human reasons and thoughts and present solutions outside the box in your essay.

John R. Lott once wrote: Is American culture a gun culture? (Lott 1). On December 15, 1791, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution went into effect, making it legal for all residents of the United States to own a firearm. However, humans have evolved since the 1700s. Today, the news […] There should be more gun control laws to control gun violence. The gun control debate in America has been debated for decades. Nearly forty thousand people are killed each year by the murderous, accidental and suicidal use of weapons (Policy 7). Despite the fact that America has about twenty thousand gun laws, […] Americans are being murdered at an unprecedented rate, and little has been done to prevent similar events from happening again. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ninety-six Americans die from guns every day (The Editorial Board). Ninety-six lives end because of a bullet. It is unethical and immoral when so many people […] Gun control (or firearms regulation) is the set of laws or regulations that govern the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, alteration or use of firearms by civilians. Gun violence is responsible for approximately 35,000 deaths and 89,600 injuries each year in the United States (Gun Violence in America, 2018).

These include intentional and unintentional attacks, domestic and family violence, law enforcement, murder, suicide, self-harm, and undetermined causes (Gun Violence in America, 2018). According to Santhanam (2018), in 2016, the United States […] In recent years, there have been mass shootings in America that have hit the feelings of many Americans. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, extended families and strangers are all affected by the victims of the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary School. As a result of these tragedies, U.S. citizens […] Gun rights in America have been discussed for some time, on the grounds that exchanges for such a large number of residents of the acceding states take place close to homes. As research from the College of Chicago shows, about two hundred to two hundred and […] Gun control has been a popular topic of discussion in recent years. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants citizens the right to purchase and bear arms. If the person is licensed, they can carry their firearms on their body. The guidelines for acquiring firearms are too lenient.

Others have […] The night of October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas was interrupted by the sound of gunfire fired by a 32nd century gunman. floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino (Time, 2017). As Time reported, in this massive shootout that lasted 10-15 minutes […] Introduction As stated in the textbook “Social Problems: Continuity and Change”, “a social problem is a condition or behaviour that has negative consequences for a large number of people and is generally recognized as a condition or behaviour that needs to be addressed” (2015). As a result, I have decided to […] 2) Include the results of the latest research on your topic.