Great Lakes Maritime Academy Requirements

The Great Lakes Maritime Academy in Traverse City, Michigan, is the only state maritime academy on the Great Lakes. The Academy offers a four-year Bachelor of Science (BS) and a Deputy 3rd Bachelor`s degree program for future engineering officers. Deck officers earn their BS diploma, 3rd Mate licence and Great Lakes First Class Pilotage credentials. It is the only maritime academy in the country that offers first-class training and pilotage licences on the Great Lakes. These programs also lead to STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchmaking) certifications. For information on licensing requirements and assessments for specific positions on board, see the USCG Credentials Checklists: “I am pleased to approve this program for the Great Lakes Maritime Academy, which greatly supports the integration of military personnel into the industry. maritime,” Captain Clare said in a statement. The Coast Guard`s National Maritime Centre is committed to ensuring the success of our evolving military personnel. GLMA Superintendent Jerry Achenbach said the MVET program is the result of more than four years of work involving several academy faculty and staff, as well as USCG officials. It is expected to improve recruitment for the academy`s engineering program. In addition to allowing cadets to bypass redundant training, the approval allows Veteran students to complete the engineering program within the boundaries of IM accounting services. Due to marine service requirements, the current GLMA program exceeds the 36-month benefits provided by the IM Bill.

There are six other maritime academies in the United States that offer similar programs: Toledo Maritime Academy: Based in Toledo, Ohio, this maritime high school offers three-year programs that prepare students for entry-level positions aboard ships (deck, engine, and stewards) after graduation and receive the necessary documents to work on board. For more information, call 419-244-9999, Other U.S. educational institutions that offer training opportunities are affiliated with maritime unions. These schools typically offer non-accredited apprenticeship programs for the deck, engine and steward departments, as well as skills development courses for seafarers seeking development opportunities. The following table provides information on programs specific to each institution. For a complete list of courses and institutions approved and recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard, visit the following Web site: Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), issued by the Transportation Security Administration, a required ID card for anyone who relies on secure and regulated or Ships; and the Charter School of Excellence Marine Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. Veterans can now convert active at-sea duty to a bachelor`s degree in engineering at NMC`s Great Lakes Maritime Academy, the college announced this week. Bradley Clare, Captain of the Coast Guard, signed on the 23rd. At the annual meeting of U.S.

Merchant Navy Veterans, the Academy Military Veterans Program (MVET) received the Letter of Approval from the Academy Military Veterans Program (MVET). MVET allows student Veterans to transfer marine service and active duty training to the GLMA Motorized Officer Program prior to the expiration of GI Training Benefits. According to a NMC publication, more certified engineers graduating earlier will help the aging merchant marine industry. The Coast Guard`s regional examination centers for the Great Lakes region are located in Toledo, Ohio: Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School: Located in Cleveland, Ohio, this high school is operated by PHASTAR, which opened to freshmen in August 2017. For more information, call 440-941-0480, To apply for an MMC, you must first obtain a TWIC. Program approval is valid for five years, until 2026. The Marine Administration offers the Student Incentive Program. This program provides students with up to $8,000 per year to help pay for tuition, board and lodging, and supplies. For more information, contact the Maritime Administration.