Definition of Legal Soon

All financial interests of the debtor at the time of filing the application for insolvency. The estate technically becomes the temporary rightful owner of all the debtor`s assets. The recommended terms for describing this period are “as soon as possible” and “as soon as circumstances permit”. “As soon as possible” is also an alternative, but keep in mind that it is a term that is rarely used outside of legal texts. A person who is related by blood or affinity and whose close connection to the employee corresponds to a family relationship means any person with whom the employee has a significant personal connection that is or is like a family relationship, regardless of the biological or legal relationship. The legal power of a court to hear and decide a particular type of case. It is also used as a synonym for jurisdiction, i.e. the geographical area for which the court has jurisdiction to rule on cases. Section 707(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code applies a “resource test” to determine whether an individual debtor`s filing under Chapter 7 is considered an abuse of the Bankruptcy Act that requires a dismissal or conversion of the matter (generally in Chapter 13). Abuse is suspected if the debtor`s aggregate monthly current income (as defined above) over 5 years, less certain expenses permitted by law, is greater than (i) $10,000 or (ii) 25% of the debtor`s unjustified unsecured debt, provided that this amount is at least $6,000.

The debtor may rebut a presumption of abuse only by proving special circumstances that justify additional expenses or adjustments to current monthly income. Domestic partner means an adult in a committed relationship with another adult. A committed relationship is one in which the employee and the employee`s domestic partner are each other`s sole domestic partner (and are not married to anyone else or domestic) and share responsibility for a significant level of common well-being and financial obligations of the other. This includes, but is not limited to, any relationship between two persons of the same or opposite sex that is legally recognized by a state or the District of Columbia as a marriage or similar relationship (including, but not limited to, a civil partnership). The legal system, which originated in England and is now used in the United States, is based on the articulation of legal principles in a historical sequence of court decisions. The principles of the common law may be amended by legislation. As soon as possible, this means as soon as possible and taking into account practically all the facts and circumstances of the individual case. If the intention is for something to be done quickly, given the circumstances, the phrase “within a reasonable time” should not be used, as it does not give the idea that the matter should be resolved expeditiously.

Instead, the terms recommended for the second category of periods should be used. A full-time lawyer employed by the federal courts to legally defend defendants who cannot afford a lawyer. The judiciary administers the Federal Defence Lawyers Programme in accordance with the Criminal Justice Act. There is a problem with the use of the phrase “as soon as something happens”, for example a person must do something “as soon as he becomes aware of a factual situation”. This expression is usually meant to mean that the thing must be done immediately after something else has happened. The problem with this approach is that it literally requires the thing to be done at the moment the condition in the sentence is met. The problem can be avoided by inserting an “after” and using one of the recommended terms for this category. In other words, a person must do something “immediately after becoming aware of a factual situation.” However, it may happen that adding “immediately after” can increase the complexity of the sentence to an undesirable level. In these cases, the use of “as soon as possible” would be acceptable. As soon as practicable after the payment of offset taxes or other taxes by the borrower to a government agency, the borrower must provide the administrative agent with the original or a certified copy of a receipt issued by that government agency to prove such payment, a copy of the statement showing such payment or other proof of such payment, which is reasonably satisfactory to the administrative officer.

“as soon as possible”: While there are many cases where this term has been interpreted to mean “within a reasonable time”[2], there is also a general perception that it means “without delay”. Written statements submitted to the court describing a party`s legal or factual allegations about the case. With regard to civil actions in “justice” and not in “law”. In English legal history, courts could order the payment of damages and could not afford any other remedy (see Damages). A separate “justice” court might ask someone to do something or stop doing something (e.g., injunction). In U.S. jurisprudence, federal courts have both legal and just power, but the distinction is still important. For example, a jury trial is usually available in “legal cases,” but not in “equity cases.” 2. Something must be done quickly – taking into account the circumstances: in this category, what needs to be done must be done quickly, but it is permissible to do other things first if the delay is justified in the given circumstances.

The nature and importance of the thing to be done and other objective and subjective factors are considerations in determining how quickly the thing should be done. Old English sounded “immediately, immediately, directly, immediately”, from the Proto-Germanic *sæno (source also of the Old Frisian son, Old Saxon sana, Old High German san, Gothic suns “soon”). The meaning softened at the beginning of Middle English to “in a short time” (cf. anon, only (adverb)). American English. Earlier for “Oklahoma Native” is 1930 (formerly “someone who acts prematurely”, 1889), the opening to whites in 1889, which was then part of Indian territory, when many potential settlers crept into public lands and staked out their claims “earlier” than the legal date and time.