Crazy Things Legal in Washington

Only in your state gives us some of the weirdest laws passed in the small towns of Washington. For example, in the small town of Everett, you are not legally allowed to display an image of a person who is hypnotized or appears to be hypnotized. Stupid Laws points out that you cannot legally ride a horse in the town of Wilbur which is considered ugly. Not a word about whether the attractiveness of a horse is decided by a single person or by an elected committee. For some reason, Washington has deemed it necessary to make it illegal for minors to throw tear gas canisters without their parents` consent. Was that really a problem? Using an X-ray machine to see if a pair of shoes is suitable is illegal in Washington and most other states. The reason for this law may be obvious nowadays, but in the 1920s and 1940s, shoe stores were looking for a way to find the perfect fit and installed a fluoroscope X-ray machine suitable for shoes (photo above). Well, it was a great selling point at first, but the machines were unreliable and exposed people to unhealthy doses of radiation. So it`s not really a stupid law, it`s a law that prevents a stupid idea. This law is not really stupid, it makes sense, I mean, why on earth would anyone put a vending machine on an electric pole? What`s crazy is that he doesn`t break the law as long as he`s 12 feet high on the pole! It is illegal to harass Bigfoot in Washington State in any way. This law also applies to other undiscovered subspecies of Bigfoot such as Sasquatch.

Leave the poor guy alone, if he`s not out of hiding yet, he probably doesn`t want to be disturbed. Whenever you are near the water, life jackets are always recommended. But if you`re in Spokane, Washington life jackets are illegal in parts of rivers where swimming is not allowed. Even if you work near the water. During the roaring 20s and the Great Depression, many people participated in regular recreational “marathon” sessions and often competed publicly for cash prizes. Marathon dancing, flagpoles and roller skating are just some of those that have been the subject of public competitions. But not in Washington. These were made illegal after injuries were reported (via Stupid Laws). Oregon also has its share of stupid laws, and this is one of them. I`m sure it`s at the top of the Portland Police Department`s priority list, in fact, I doubt they`re even aware of the law.

As crazy as it sounds, it`s illegal to drive down a busy street more than twice in the evening in the city of Portland. In Seattle – It`s illegal to carry a glass of fish or an aquarium on a bus, as the sound of flowing water can disturb other passengers. In Everett – It is illegal to show a person hypnotized or supposedly hypnotized in a shop window. The state of Washington has made a strange law law. It is illegal to destroy someone else`s beer container. This includes a barrel or bottle. Leave my beer alone. You hear about crazy, unusual, stupid and crazy laws all the time, and somehow they stay in the books year after year, even if they are completely ridiculous. Here is a short list of strange laws that are still applicable in Washington and Oregon. It`s not just Washington; The whole country is full of strange, really weird laws and rules! Many of them now seem completely overwhelmed or downright crazy.

Here`s the thing, once something is written in law books, it becomes incredibly difficult to write it. The whole process of writing (or repealing) a law takes a lot of time and resources, so most states just don`t care about changing strange and outdated rules because they aren`t enforced most of the time anyway. (Because which city has the time or resources to send its police to pick up every lollipop from every candy store? That won`t happen!) So don`t worry, Washington: you can continue to enjoy your giant lollipops without fear of being arrested. But we could face any harassment from the sasquatches of the state, but . Destroying a keg of beer or another`s bottle is illegal. It is illegal to attach a vending machine to an electric pole without the prior consent of the public service. It is illegal to lure girls away from Maple Lane School for girls. Washington State`s RCW 72.20 is a section of the laws that all relate to maple Lane Girls` School, now closed. It was a former prison for young girls.

One of these laws makes it illegal to lure a girl away from school. Shouldn`t this be illegal for all schools, not just Maple Lane School? There are crazy laws and here`s what I thought were the 10 stupidest laws in Washington State after Have you ever thought about hypnotizing a person and putting them in your window to showcase a cool product? Neither do we. But in Everette, Washington, it`s illegal. We wonder how this was achieved. It is illegal to claim that parents are rich. I`m pretty sure we`ve all broken this law – we have places to be and things to do, and we`re not going to let a stupid cold get in the way, are we? Well, it`s illegal to be in Washington with a cold in public. RCW 70.54.050 The detection of a contagious disease is a crime. I think it should be illegal to go to work with a cold – it would be better and I`m sure everyone would abide by this law. Washington is really an interesting place to live. They have a whole bunch of people in one state.

Because it`s such a unique place, Washington has a handful of weird and crazy laws. Most of these laws have been in the books for ages, but surprisingly, not all of them are old. Take a look at these laws. In Wilbur, Washington, it is illegal to ride horses that have been classified as ugly. This is stupid, because even ugly horses deserve love. In the city of Yamhill, Oregon, it is illegal to predict the future. Even if you spend time at the local café for lunch, don`t make predictions about the future, don`t predict the November election or the weather in a few hours – you`ll be breaking the law! Will it put you in jail with a fine? I predict, no – it`s very unlikely, but who knows what the future really holds, things could be different next week, only time will tell, and I`m pretty sure Nostradamus would not agree with this law. Some people really want their shoes to fit. So much so that they use X-rays to fit their shoes perfectly. Well, not in Washington state, as it is illegal to use an X-ray machine to adjust shoes.

For those who want to play Hooky (especially after a day of vacation), you should really stay home when you`re sick. Otherwise, you`re violating this law: RCW 70.54.050 Which of these weird laws in Washington do you think is the weirdest? Are you guilty of breaking any of them? Don`t worry – your secret is safe with us! We have heard of drunk driving laws, but a law on alcohol and dance? In Lyden, Washington, an establishment cannot offer both drinking and dancing. If you scroll down to Washington on a website dedicated to stupid laws, you`ll see several weird laws. However, many of them are just mere rumors, such as “All lollipops are banned” in Washington state. Don`t worry, you can buy and consume lollipops as you please, without fear of arrest or punishment. For those who have had the pleasure of traveling to Seattle, you`ve probably noticed that it`s home to a good number of unique characters. This city is also home to some of the most unique (and strange) laws in the state. If you travel by bus, you can not carry a fish glass or aquarium with water in it, so sloshing does not bother other passengers (about stupid laws). If you are a woman who is thinking about sitting on a man`s lap on a bus or train ride, you need to put a pillow between the two of you.

Offences are punishable by up to six months` imprisonment. Washington is home to giant companies like Amazon and Starbucks, but also boasts of more than half a million small businesses, making it attractive not only to tourists, but also to budding entrepreneurs (according to Gaebler). Nestled in the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States, Washington State offers many modern tourist attractions that rival its natural mountain beauty. From Seattle`s Pikes Place Fish Market to picturesque Olympic State Park, visitors to Washington will find plenty of opportunities to entertain and impress. With three professional sports teams, three national parks, and dozens of state parks, millions of tourists flood the state each year to entertain themselves or be impressed by the geological wonders of this state. Just in case you feel like degrading or destroying someone`s beer bottle, just a warning, it`s against the law in Washington. Yes, you can`t. Well, actually, you can, but you could be fined 0.50 cents. The only shortcoming of this law is to obtain written permission from the owner of the beer bottle. I`m sure a simple text message will suffice. It`s crazy, isn`t it? If you are in Lynden, you should not be able to consume alcohol and dance at the same place of business.

And if you`re about to swallow peanuts on a street in the city of Bremerton, you know you`ll be fined accordingly. Finally, if you are in Skamania County and encounter a Bigfoot, you should not disturb the animal, which is considered an endangered species. Here are some fun laws you might be held responsible for in Washington, so be careful: Here are some of the most unusual laws in the books: “Hello, Mr. Chief of Police, I`m a criminal and I wanted to let you know that I`m coming to your city now.” Have you ever wondered how certain laws are passed? Be prepared to ask yourself even more questions, as we`ve gone through the old law books and found 10 really weird and bizarre laws in Washington. It`s strange to think that these Washington laws went down in the books, and even stranger to think that they stayed there over the years! Luckily, they`re so overwhelmed that you probably won`t be arrested if you break one. At least we don`t think so.