Coal Mine Safety Rules and Regulations

Drying chambers, hot gas inlet chambers and all ducts in which coal dust may accumulate shall be provided with hermetically sealed access doors which shall remain locked during the operation of the dryer in order to prevent the emission of coal dust and the loss of fluidizing air. Not later than 30 September 1971, each operator of an open pit mine shall establish and maintain a program of instructions concerning the safety rules and procedures to be followed in the mine and shall publish to each employee and distribute them to each employee and distribute them in conspicuous places throughout the mine all such safety rules and procedures established in accordance with the provisions of this Division. From 1. In January 1972, each open pit mine operator organized annual first aid refresher training programs for all selected supervisors and offered first aid refresher training to all miners employed at the mine. (b) Where, for safety reasons, it is necessary to manually remove dangerous substances from raised walls, the dangerous goods shall be approached in a safe direction and the materials removed from a safe place. On March 22, 2007, the MSHA issued a final rule amending Part 100 of 30 CFR to implement the provisions of the Mining Act and significantly increase penalties over existing regulations. Under amended Part 100 of 30 CFR, all offences (including non-serious offences) are assessed using a formula that includes six criteria set out in paragraphs 105(b) and 110(i) of the Mining Act. These criteria are as follows: You can comply with mining regulations for occupational safety and health (occupational health and safety) and mining laws in small-scale mining by following a combination of the above methods. However, medium to large miners have unique safety concerns, and occupational health and safety standards may need to be adjusted to address these concerns.

The operator must keep an accurate and up-to-date map of the mine at a scale of not less than 100 and not more than 500 feet to customs in or near the mine in an area chosen by the mine operator with a duplicate in a separate and different location to minimize the risk of destruction by fire or other hazards. (a) Screw machines exposed to high wall hazards and all parts of coal conveyor belts in which persons are required to work during screw work shall be fitted with a heavy boundary screen which does not obstruct the view of the upper wall and which is strong enough to prevent injury to workers caused by falling materials. Fire suppression systems and equipment must be provided based on the potential fire hazards in each structure, enclosure and other facility (including routine coal processing) in the mine, and employees of these facilities must be trained annually in the use of such fire-extinguishing systems and equipment. The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act 2006, also known as the MINER Act, was enacted on June 15, 2006. This legislation, the largest mine safety legislation in 30 years, amends the Mining Safety and Health Act of 1977 and contains a number of provisions aimed at improving safety and health in U.S. mines. Key provisions of the Mining Act: In addition to the record-keeping requirements of the Mining Act, the MSHA regulations and mandatory safety and health standards published in Division 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations include record-keeping and reporting obligations. Registration forms can be found here.

All team members should provide regular training on mine safety rules and regulations. It`s not just new team members who have to follow this mining rule. Miners` representatives are entitled to a copy of the following plans and plan revisions before a mine operator submits such a plan to MSHA for approval: (u) When firing 1 to 15 blasting holes with safety fuses, which are lit individually with hand lighters, the fuses must be long enough to provide the minimum burning time for a given round, as specified in the following table: a) High walls, banks, benches and grounds that tilt in the work areas must be inspected after any rain, freeze or thaw before people work in these areas, and this examination must be carried out and recorded in accordance with § 77.1713. No employee may be assigned, authorized or required to perform work alone in an area where dangerous conditions would endanger his or her safety, unless he or she can communicate, be heard or be seen with others. Family bond. Article 7 of the MINER Act requires the MSHA to designate a person as a family liaison between the MSHA and the families of the victims of my tragedies with multiple deaths. MSHA shall respond as well as possible to requests for information on mining accidents from mining accident families.â In addition, in such accidents, MSHA shall act as the primary communicator with the operator, miners, the press and the public.â Electrical equipment shall be regularly inspected, tested and properly maintained by a qualified person to ensure safe operating conditions. If a potentially hazardous condition is detected in electrical equipment, that equipment must be taken out of service until it has been remedied. A register of these investigations shall be kept.

MSHA`s Approval and Certification Center (A&CC) near Wheeling, West Virginia, approves and certifies certain mining products for use in underground metal and non-metallic coal and gas mines. The A&CC is also responsible for monitoring the performance of approved products to ensure that they meet the standards under which they were originally approved. Due to mining safety rules and regulations, miners are better prepared for unexpected events. Miners who are familiar with the Mining Health and Safety Act can help the sector move forward. (b) Heated dryers fuelled by coal dust shall be used and maintained in accordance with the recommended standards set out in the 1962 National Fire Protection Association Manual, 12th Edition, Section 9, “Installation of Powdered Fuel Systems”. Ladder mounting devices can prevent ladders from falling. When employees fall into deep mine shafts, fixed ladders, seat belts and lines are used to get them back to safety. Sandblasting mats can be used in several ways to strengthen the walls of a mine. These are made of steel cables and can be used to reinforce the structure of mines.

The Mining Act imposed a maximum penalty of $10,000 per violation on mine operators for violations detected and cited. As a result of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, the maximum was increased to $55,000. The Miner Act amended section 110 of the Mine Act and increased the maximum civil penalty to $220,000 for offences considered flagrant. In addition, the Miner Act established minimum penalties of $2,000 and $4,000 for unjustified violations of failure and increased penalties for operators who fail to notify MSHA of certain accidents in a timely manner. The higher penalties provided for in the final regulations are intended to provide greater incentives for mine operators to prevent and correct infringements. However, penalties increase more significantly for large miners, operators who repeatedly violate the same standard, and operators whose violations involve a high level of negligence or severity. The maximum penalty for a regular exam is now $70,000. (a) Thermal drying systems operating after 30. Constructed or installed in a coal mine in June 1971, must be at least 100 feet from any underground coal mine opening and 100 feet from any surface facility where heat, sparks, flames or coal dust from the system could cause a fire or explosion.

(a) all self-propelled scrapers, front loaders, bulldozers, bulldozers, loaders and tractors, with or without fasteners, used in open-pit mining areas or in surface working areas of coal mines shall be equipped with roll-over protection devices (`ROPS`) in accordance with the requirements of points (b) to (f); where applicable. Mining regulators can play a critical role in monitoring and advising on occupational health and safety regulations for small-scale mining and in enforcing mine safety and health regulations. (f) Field welding on ROPS must be performed by welders certified by the coal mine operator or equipment dealer as certified in accordance with the American Welding Society`s AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1-73 or military standard MIL-STD 248 or equivalent. (a) each open pit mine operator shall stop at or near each workplace where coal is extracted, at each processing plant and at workshops and other surface installations which regularly employ ten or more persons in stock of the first aid equipment referred to in point (b) of this Section; Consulting services. MSHA`s Educational Field and Small Mine Services (EFSMS) department provides assistance to develop or improve health and safety programs for mine operators and entrepreneurs in the mining community. EFSMS specializes in developing tailored programs to reduce the number of injuries and illnesses in the mining industry. In addition, the EFSMS group evaluates industry trainers to ensure that miners receive effective and high-quality training. EFSMS staff are located in 35 states and travel extensively to mines and training centers to provide support that strengthens and modernizes education.