Clasificacion Legal De Los Titulos De Credito En Guatemala

1. Concepto.Es a claim amount that includes the obligation to pay a certain amount of money within a specified period of time; at the same time, that it describes the goods sold as the subject of the contract establishing ownership. 2. Subjects.Librador Beneficiary. It is the seller of the goods or the one who creates the invoice. Librado-accepting. It is the buyer of the goods, and who is bound by legal mandate to accept the invoice that the seller releases him. 3. Función.If a seller decides to use the exchange invoice, the expiration of the property would be as follows:The seller issues the exchange invoice following a sale in which the goods were actually or symbolically delivered. The invoice will be sent to the buyer directly through a bank or a third party. The intermediary will present it for acceptance in accordance with the instructions received and then return it; and can keep it if it has the power to collect it.

Based on what we have already reviewed, this will be done through approval in procurement. The law also provides for shipment by registered mail or by other means not specified by law. The buyer sends the duly accepted invoice: within five days of receipt, if it is directed to the same place; and within fifteen years, albeit differently. Failure to return is considered a refusal of acceptance. 4. I protest. The foreign currency invoice can be contested for non-acceptance or non-payment. In case of non-acceptance, the opposition must be lifted within two working days of the expiry of the deadlines for returning the invoice. Another variant of the protest in this article is that, unlike what happens in others, the action is approved by the notary in the chambers of the same instrument or on a sheet that is attached if this is not enough, and attaches the documents that prove the sending of the document or other means that are present (for example, notification of receipt of mail). If the invoice is not available, the protest can be approved by declaration of the seller, provided that there are proof documents proving the shipment to the buyer.

If the connection in the document is allowed, it cannot be saved. 5. Retention of invoices. Exchange invoices, which are records of the completed transaction, must be kept by merchants for five years in the original or copy. If the amount is not specified in the guarantee, it is assumed that it guarantees the total amount of the loan title (402) This is the way public documents are designed and maintained, and therefore it is an attempt to give certainty to the courtesy of Mr. Josué Pinto, we publish material on the credit securities of Mercantil II.…/1IrDB6dncJUgUyDl8M-Loyf184…/view. It points out that the person who receives a credit certificate by endorsement acquires an autonomous and independent right to the right of the previous holder. Contract that is concluded when a merchant places his distribution or sales company, if necessary, on the object of execution of the group of goods, which represents a foreclosure budget, in the sense that without We share this important document that compiles the titles of trade credit in Guatemala! 1.

Nominative or unnamed titles or typical and atypical: The former are those that appear typical of the law, and the latter are those created by habit. 2. Singular and serial: The former are those who are created in isolation, and the latter are those who are created massively. 3. Net and accessories: The former are worth it in themselves, the latter are always tied to a customer. The main thing is the link, the accessories are the coupon. 4. Abstract and causal: The former are those whose cause they do not pursue. The latter are always linked to the cause that produced them. 5. Speculative and investing: The first are those that allow you to make a profit. The latter are those who bring income (interest) to the purchaser of the title.

6. Public and private: The former are those issued by the public authority and the latter are issued by individuals. 7. Payment, participation and representation: Payment vouchers are those whose advantage for the holder is the payment of a monetary value. Participation makes it possible to intervene in the functioning of a collective unit. And those of representation are those where the registered right means the ownership of a non-monetary good. The file in question has 38 sheets, greetings! Fifth Section Review Article 184. Those who supervise. The company operations are supervised by the shareholders themselves, by one or more the commercial register must keep books in order to make the appropriate entries.

These books are: 1. Merchants 1. Unilateral contract. If the obligation lies with only one of the Contracting Parties. 2. Bilateral Treaty. If both parties are 1. binding (because they require payment) 2.

unconditional (not subject to conditions) 3. is irrevocable. (is final).