City of Portland Human Resources Administrative Rules

Administrative arrangements are direct policies and procedures of an ongoing nature. This by-law remains in force until it is officially revised, replaced or repealed by the mayor and/or the head of administration as part of the review or repeal process. HRAR-6.08 – Funeral, bereavement and loss of pregnancy Leave HRAR-11.03 – Duty to report illegal or inappropriate acts HRAR-1.02 – Development and publication of by-laws HRAR-6.10 – Authorization to participate in legal proceedings or other legal proceedings HRAR-8.02 – Hours worked and overtime pay: Employees covered by RSA HRAR-6.10 (A) – Leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or harassment Anti-racism| | fairness| transparency| communication| of cooperation Financial responsibilityBasic competence model – Document on access to basic skills.