A Los Fines Legales in English

. Are you trying to find the translation of Spanish terms but don`t remember the correct spelling? Here you can search directly in the Spanish dictionary. Select a letter below to browse a complete list of Spanish words and phrases. You`ll also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have (or are passionate) language-related jobs. Participation is free and the site has a strict privacy policy. Log in or sign up (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. This list shows you the latest Spanish translations added by users to the Spanish-English dictionary. Before being included in the Spanish dictionary as correct translations, they must be checked. You can help by voting for correct translations to add to the Spanish-English dictionary and suggesting changes to English and Spanish sentences and words if necessary. Participate and interact on bab.la by helping us improve our online dictionaries. Our goal is to be the largest online Spanish-English dictionary in the world, and you can help us with that.

User input is by far the fastest way for dictionary growth. For example, new interpretations and translations of Spanish slang are developing every day. The meaning of a word can change depending on the age group or region in which it is used. Before these Spanish translations are widely known, users can suggest them as a complement to the Spanish-English dictionary. Some types of special translations can also vary greatly. The same Spanish term could have two very different translations into English, depending on the field to which it relates. Register today and become a registered user in the bab.la community. For any contributions you make, such as adding new words to the Spanish-English dictionary, you will receive points for the world ranking. If you want to add a new word but don`t know how to translate it from Spanish to English, other bab.la users will help. Ask a question on the Spanish-English forum and discuss topics such as translating common Spanish phrases, Spanish grammar, and other things related to the Spanish language.