What We Do

We Provide.

We are a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Provider, approved by the Professional Regulation Commission with Provider Accreditation Number NRS-2019-343!

We Coach.

Our Certified Health Coaches are trained in Motivational Interviewing skills, a strategy that is founded on the premise that the individual is the true agent of change. We never tell our clients what to do; instead we partner with and guide them to set and achieve their goals!

We Train.

Through our partner, the National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC), we promote the knowledge and use of Evidence- based Health Coaching (EBHC®) with Motivational Interviewing among Filipino Healthcare Professionals!

A Word from the WORD

Freedom of a Different Kind
““For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” – Luke 6:12

God will be ushering in a kingdom all right, but not of physical or a worldly sort. It is rather one of the heart. For the heart has been enslaved by tyrant far more insidious and brutal: Sin. It is kingdom where people can place their hopes and trust in Jesus, and receive eternal life and Power in the here and now to conquer sin’s dominion in the heart.